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第三节 书面表达 (满分15分)






   注意:1.参考词汇:留学生 international student  报酬 payment;



English Advisor Wanted


Student Union



第二节 根据所给汉语完成下列各句(共小题;每个空0.5分,满分10分)

1. 她被指责在考试中作弊。

She was ____________ ____________ _____________ in the exam.

2. 我累了就无法集中精力工作。

I can’t _____________ _____________ my work when I’m tired.

3. 我们不仅买了几本书,还去听了一场讲座。

Not only ____________ ___________ ___________ several books, but we also attended a lecture.

4. 良好的健康状况依赖于良好的食物、运动和充足的睡眠。

Good health ____________ __________ good food, exercise and getting enough sleep.

5. 汤姆脱下了湿衣服,拧出了水。

Tom took off his wet clothes and ____________ water ___________.

6. 她习惯把每件东西都放在适当的位置。

She has a habit of having everything ___________ ____________.

7. 恐怕我找不到你想要的那本书。

I’m afraid I can’t __________ __________ hands __________ the book you want.

8. 虽然他们贫穷,但我相信只要他们有坚强的意志,永不言弃,也能有所作为(有所改变)。

Although they are poor, I believe as long as they have a strong will and never give up, they can also ___________ ____________ _____________.

