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22. A new amusement park in our city has opened with ______ computer techniques.

   A. up-to-date    B. man-made      C. near-sighted   D. peace-loving


21. Viewers will have____ second chance to see Saturday’s concert on____ Channel 4 tonight.

   A. a; the      B. the; the      C. the; /      D. a; /



1. What is the woman probably going to do?

A. Visit a college      B. Buy some tickets.     C. Get some money

2. What does the woman mean?

  A. The ring is not hers.   B. She doesn’t have gold rings. 

  C. She lost her silver ring.

3. What does the woman mean?

  A. It’s OK to let the driver wait for a while.

  B. They should hurry up.   C. They will pay the driver right away

4. What does the woman give to the man?

  A. A handbook.    B. Some medicine     C. Some postgraduate work.

5. What is the man persuading the woman to do?

  A. Give another show.     B. Catch up with her work.

  C. Give him all her money.


6. What happened to Janis?

  A. She quit her job.   B. She transferred.(调动)   C. She had an operation

7. Why did she do this?

  A. For less stress.    B. For better coworkers.    C. For promotions.

8. What does the woman say about Investor Relations?

  A. The pay will be low.    B. The work will be hard. 

C. Opportunities are good


9. What are the speakers talking about?

  A. Watching a boxing match.   B. Watching a hockey game.

  C. Where to have dinner.  

10. Why should they get there a little earlier?

  A. They can get better seats.   B. They can watch the warm-up.

  C. They can avoid a traffic jam.

11. When will they get there?

  A. At 5:15     B. At 5:45    C. At 5:50


12. How many people are waiting in the queue?

  A. About fifty.    B. At least a hundred.    C. Hundreds of them

13. What does the woman want for lunch?

  A. Fried rice.    B. Pizza    C. A sandwich

14. How much money does the woman give the man?

   A. $2.00    B. $3.00    C. $5.00


15. How far did the woman walk every day during the trip?

   A. 10 km.      B. 15 km.         C. 20 km.

16. What problem did the woman have to face?

   A. She didn’t have any modern equipment.

   B. The air was too thin for her to breathe.

   C. There wasn’t enough food.

17. What did the woman enjoy most about the trip?

   A. Clean air.     B. Delicious food.     C. Beautiful sunshine


18. In which month is Earth Day celebrated?

   A. March.    B. April.     C. May.

19. Which of the following is an example of recycling?

   A. Try to use less water.   B. A plastic bag can be used many times.

   C. Waste paper can be used in another way.

20. Why does the speaker say that Earth Day should be every day?

   A. People want to play in clean parks every day.

   B. People should take care of the planet every day.

   C. People like to read the newspaper every day.      




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反 对

高安中学 新余一中 宜春中学 高二年级联考



L=Li Ying   X=Xie Fei

( Xie Fei seems to be upset , so Li Ying goes to talk with him )

L: Hi , Xie Fei . What do you (76) f     like doing during the coming winter holiday ?

X: I may have lots of things to do .

L : Don’t be upset . What happened ?

X: My parents plan to (77)a      a baby in this winter vacation in (78)s     of my opinion .

L: So you’ll have to look (79)a     the baby . But why ?

X: They think I’ve (80)g     into bad habits and I’m especially lazy and impatient . They seem a little (81)d      with me . They think taking care of a baby will possibly change me . But I don’t think I’m lazy . You know I have little housework to do , because my family is a (82)t     one-child family .

L: In my opinion , their decision is reasonable . You’ll understand them (83)f      .

X: I hope so .

( On the first day of the new term , Li Ying comes across Xie Fei on the way to school )

L : How was your winter vacation ?

X: It’s great . I have learned a lot . During the holiday , I have learned to do with a great (84)d    of housework and how to care about others . Taking care of a baby made me more responsible .

L: That’s great . As the (85)s     goes , “ No pains , no gains . ”

X: Yes , I agree with you .

