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第三节 书面表达(满分20分)

假如你是高二(1)班同学李梅, 最近你发现学校里的浪费现象特别严重。如教室里的长明灯, 水龙头里的长流水, 食堂里乱倒的饭菜, 以及垃圾桶里乱扔的物品等等。你对这些很不安, 特向校长信箱写一封信, 反映这些情况, 并建议校长呼吁同学们提倡节约, 反对浪费。

参考生词: 美德: virtue  提倡: promote  反对: oppose  垃圾桶 litterbins


I am a student in Class One Grade Three.____              __________

___________________                      ___________              


                        Yours sincerely[                      Li Mei









You can find all kinds information in just             1._____________

a few minute on the Internet. It’s like going to a           2._____________

huge library without have to walk around to             3._____________

find your books. In recently years many people           4._____________

have been discussing the dangers of the Internet.          5._____________

They have been reports in America about              6._____________

try to steal personal information for bad purposes.          7.______________

Finding information on the Net is easily. But not all         8._____________

Information are good to society. For example,  you         9.______________

 can find such information like how to kill people.         10.______________

The problem will become more serious in the future.


第一节 单词拼写  根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母或汉语注释,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分) 61.Because of her teacher's ______________ ( 影响 ), she chose to study English at university.

62. Furniture is to the living room what playground__________(设备) is to the playground

63. Most of the artists___________(邀请) to the party were from North Africa.

64.If you think you can pass the exam easily without any hard work, then you are completely m__________.

65. The girl who kept shouting and crying was ____________(显然)mad. 

66. The full name of China is the People's R_______________ of China .   67.He is reading a p___________ written by Li Bai. 

68.His brother is ______________ ( 沉溺于 ) to football. 

69.I will come when it is ________________(方便)to you. 

70. ____________( 判断 )from what you say, he ought to succeed. 

61__________ 62____________ 63___________ 64  ___________ 65 ___________

66__________ 67__________  68__________  69  ___________  70 ___________

