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     第二节 完形填空 ( 共20 小题; 每小题1.5分,满分30 )                                                                    

Due to the abundance(丰富,充裕)of the material goods and rapid development of civilization , people are becoming more and more particular about what they use and wear.

An increasing number of manufacturers  36   on designing things that will appeal(吸引)to  37  . Those who  38  a lot of their products dominate(支配,占优势)the market and lead a   39  that most people will  40 right away. If their products do not improve , they are doomed to   41  . Why are so many people  42  to fashionable things ? I think it’s because they are fond of   43   .They want to dress themselves in amazing costumes and perform actions to  44   others’attention . Actually , many people only buy certain trademarks without making sure  45  the products aren’t fakes. This situation allows the market to be flooded with pirated copies

(盗版). It can’t do any good  46  increase piracy, cause unexpected losses to original companies and harm their international image. Moreover,following some trends can be dangerous.

Some  47   would like to encourage others to take drugs, have tattoos (纹身), and do things that are illegal and immoral. Some people try these 48   things to show that they are brave. This situation will go from bad to worse. It is really  49   ,isn’t it ? As for me , I also like to wear these clothes to make myself look cool . But I am not a blind follower of all fashions . I decide which fashions to follow . A fashion attracts me   50   I think it’s worthy of my attention , time and  51   .Indeed, aside from fashion ,there are other meaningful things  52   me to pursue, such as peace of mind and being kind to others. I often say to myself,

“Self-control is the true nobility.Why not  53   your own master ?” As teenagers, we  54   acquire knowledge , do something significant __ 55   our society, and not just be snobbish pursuers of fashions.

.36. A. focuses    B. focused     C. have focused  D. has focused

37. A. consumers   B. consumer    C. seller     D. sellers

 38. A. buy      B. sell      C. send      D. lend

 39. A. fashion    B. idea       C. habit     D. trend

40. A. chase     B. follow     C. think     D. hate

41. A. fade away   B. fade from    C. fade into    D. fade out

 42. A. addicting    B. to addict    C. addicted    D. addictes

 43. A. showing in   B. showing off   C. showing out  D. showing out

 44. A. draw      B. give      C. pay      D. show

45. A. that      B. what      C. which     D. whether

46. A. but      B. and       C. therefore    D. otherwise

47. A. friends     B. gangsters    C. strangers    D. parents

48. A. good      B. better      C. bad      D. worse

49. A. astonished   B. to astonish    C. astonishes    D. astonishing

50. A. only if     B. if only      C. in case     D. for example

51. A. energy     B. cash      C. strength     D. power

52. A. of       B. to       C. for       D. on

53. A. be       B. is       C. being      D. to be

54. A. could     B. should      C. might     D. would

55. A. to       B. with      C. as       D. for


35.I have offered to paint the house _____ a week’s accommodation.

     A. in need of     B. in place of   C. by means of   D. in exchange for  


34.He always did well at school _____ having to do part-time jobs every weekends.

   A.in spite of    B. regardless of   C. on account of  D. in case of


33. If you insist on continuing like this , I think you take a risk of _____ to leave

  the company .

   A. to force     B. to be forced  C. forcing   D. being forced


32.To tell you the truth , I didn’t _____ what he said at the meeting .

   A. subscribe to   B. take to    C. contribute to  D. relate to


31. Everyone fails now and then . It is how you react that makes a _____ in life .

   A. development  B. difference   C. progress   D. point


30._____ I was in trouble , he would come to help me out .

   A. Next time   B. The first time  C. All the time  D. Every time


29. With all the magazines I needed _____ , I left the post office .

   A. buying    B. to buy     C. bought   D. to be bought


28.It was not _____ the many blows she received as the lack of fighting spirit _____ led to her losing the game .

   A. so ; which  B. so much; that  C. like; that   D. as; which

