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28. Her driver____for the accident had not been driving carefully.

A. blamed           B. being blamed

C. to be blamed       D. blaming

[解析]选A。考查非谓语动词形式。blame与driver之间是动宾关系,故用非谓语动词的被动形式。being blamed表示动作正在进行,to be blamed表示动作还未发生。此处用过去分词作定语表被动和完成。


27. I really appreciate _____to relax with me on this nice island.

A. you to have had time B. you having time

C. to have time           D. yours having time



26. The language _____an Anglo-Saxon base plus words from the languages of Denmark and Norway.

A. is made up     B. makes up

C. is consisted of   D. consists of

[解析]选D。考查词组辨析及词的用法。consist of由……组成,无被动语态;make up组成,若表达“由……组成”常用be made up of结构中。


25. -Are you finishing your task?

-_____. We need no less than three hours more.

A. Far from it     B. Exactly

C. Not a little     D. No wonder

[解析]选A。考查日常交际用语。根据答语:We need no less than three hours more. 可知,工作还没有做完,还需要不短的时间。far from it还早呢; exactly确切地; not a little很多;no wonder难怪。


24. In crowded streets, for the safety of people, it is____to drive faster than 20 mph.

A. forbidden     B. persuaded     C. required     D. demanded

[解析]选A。考查动词词义辨析。forbid禁止; persuade劝说,说服; require要求; demand要求,需要。句意为:在拥挤路段,为了人们的安全,汽车限速20 mph。故只有A语气最强,符合语境。


23. The _____after the earthquake is horrible.

A. sight  B. scene  C. view      D. look

[解析]选B。考查名词词义辨析。sight视力,风景; scene风景,风光,布景,指局部的风景、景色展现在人眼前的景象;view视野,视域,常指在远处或高处以人的角度看到的景色;look看。


22. Energy drinks are not allowed ____ in Australia but brought in from New Zealand.

A. to make          B. to be made

C. to have been made       D. to be making

[解析]选B。此处考查allow sb. to do sth. 的用法。句中的make和Energy drinks之间为动宾关系,所以用不定式的被动语态。


21. Beyond doubt, so much noise outside____him settling down to____his homework.

A. kept;do      B. prevented;do

C. kept;doing  D. prevented; doing

[解析]选D。考查动词的用法。prevent sb. (from)doing sth. 阻止某人做某事;settle down to doing sth. 静下心来做某事;keep sb. from doing结构中,from一般不省略。


separated, allowed, involved, reflecting, design, associated, famous, solution, up, easier, official, supposed, last, communication, Instead

   On 1st January 2002, twelve European countries started using the new euro as their 1. official currency.  The euro soon became the second biggest currency in the world. One problem of the euro was the 2. design of the coins and notes. Usually, a currency is 3. associated with one country only, so it is easier to find images and symbols to put on the coins and notes.  However, for the euro, twelve different countries were 4. involved,  and each country was as keen as the other to be represented.

The notes were designed by Robert Kalina of Australia and he developed an interesting 5. solution to the problem. 6. Instead of showing real, existing structures,  he used photographs to make 7. up  imaginary structures.  The structures he used were all bridges,  to represent 8. communication between the people of Europe.

The coins were 9. easier to design.  Each country was 10. allowed to design their own euro coins which could be used in any of the participating countries.  Perhaps the American dollar is one of the most 11. famous banknotes.  On the back of the dollar bill,  there is an interesting design with a pyramid with an eye at the top of it.  The pyramid is 12. supposed to represent the strength and the power to 13. last a long time.  Some people call the eye “the-all-seeing-eye”,  14. reflecting on the religious heritage of America.  The top of the pyramid is 15. separated from the body of the pyramid showing that America will grow and build more.


5. His father has been dead for two years.

It’s two years since his father died.

