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7.After a number of disagreements with the committee, the chairman decided to ________.

A. retire                     B. retreat

C. withdraw             D. resign

答案与解析:D 句意:在与委员会产生了许多意见分歧之后,主席决定辞职。resign“辞职”,符合题意。retire“退休”;retreat“退却,撤退”;withdraw“撤退”。


6.Although these states and their people are   ________, they share the common goal of economic development.

A. diverse            B. many

C. classic             D. popular

答案与解析:A 句意:虽然这些国家及人民各不相同,但有着经济发展的共同目标。diverse“多种多样的”,符合题意。many“许多的”;classic“第一流的”;popular“受欢迎的”。


5.The western area  ________    in minerals is becoming the new energy base of our country.

A. abundant             B. abandoned

C. colorful              D. interested

答案与解析:A 句意:矿产资源丰富的西部地区正在成为我国的新型能源基地。abundant“充足的,富裕的”,符合题意。abandoned“被抛弃的,被离弃的”;colorful“丰富多彩的”;interested“感兴趣的”。


4.He ________ to improve the working conditions and the workers were expecting it.

A.undertook        B.allowed

C.answered         D.admitted

答案与解析:A undertake表示“答应”,相当于promise。allow允许;answer回答;admit承认。句意:他答应改善工作条件,工人们在期待着。


3.The police ________ the man  heavily for breaking the speed limit.

A.paid             B.praised

C.hit          D.fined

答案与解析:D 根据句中的“breaking the speed limit”可知警察是“罚款”。pay付款;praise表扬;hit击中。


2.The murderer was ________ and ________ life in prison.

A.sentenced; sentenced       

B.tried; tried

C.tried; sentenced to         

D.sentenced; tried

答案与解析:C try在该句中表示“审判”,sentence表示“宣判”,两个词都是及物动词;be sentenced to被判……


1.It is likely that capital punishment will be ________ all over the world in future.

A.sentenced       B.governed

C.abolished             D.fined

答案与解析:C sentence判刑;govern统治;fine罚款。abolish“废除”,符合句意。句意:有可能将来全世界都将废除死刑。



    1. 多年来,我一直误解你们的教诲,对此深感抱歉。

    2. 平时在家我们很少交流。你们总是坦率地说出你们的想法。你们要我吃各种营养食品以增强体质,相反,我非常挑食;你们要我的头脑装备知识,而我却想享受放松,宁可选择我喜欢的;你们对我太严格,而结果常令你们失望。

3. 最近我看了一本叫做《做父母的辛酸(bitterness)》的书,深受感动。我逐渐明白了当父母很不容易。事实上,我很幸运。

       4. 爸爸妈妈,我长大了,相信我,我一定会战胜一切困难,努力学习,全力以赴,做到最好!

Dear Dad and Mum,



Hua Zai


Dear Dad and Mum,

     I have been misunderstanding you for years. I’m really sorry for it.

     On weekdays we have little time to communicate with each other at home. You are always outspoken in your ideas. You want me to eat whatever is good for my health to build up my body. On the contrary,  I am particular about food. You would like to equip me with various knowledge while I feel like relaxing myself. I’d rather choose what I prefer. You are too strict with me,  but the results often disappoint you much.

Recently I have read a book called The Bitterness Of Being One’s Parents,  which has touched me most. I got to know that it is not easy to be one’s parents. Actually, I am lucky.

     Dad and Mum,  I’ve grown up. Believe in me,  I’ll overcome any difficulty,  focus my mind on my studies and do my best.


Hua Zai



Dear Peter,

     Thanks very much on inviting me to your birthday


party on Sunday. I’d like very much come but

                      77. _______

I had an examination on Monday morning. It is

                      78. _______

a very important exam but I can’t afford to

                      79. _______

fail it. I’ll spend all the whole weekend reading

                      80. _______

and prepare for it. So I’m really sorry that

                      81. _______

I won’t be able to come in this time. Hope you

                      82. _______

can understand. I’ll take this chance to wish

                      83. _______

you wonderful time on your birthday. Happy

                      84. _______

birthday,  Peter,  and many happy return of the

                      85. _______



Li Ming

76. [解析]on→for   thanks for doing sth. /sth. 为固定搭配。

77. [解析]much后加 to   like to do sth. “喜欢做某事”。

78. [解析]had→have   从语境看,此处需用一般现在时。

79. [解析]but→and/so   前后两半句是并列或因果关系。

80. [解析]去掉all   all与the whole重复。

81. [解析]prepare→preparing    spend. . . (in)doing是固定用法。

82. [解析]去掉in   带有this/that等的时间短语,前面不需要加介词。

83. √

84. [解析]you后加a   a wonderful time一段美妙的时光。

85. [解析]return→returns    return在此处是可数名词,意思是“重现,回归”,前面有many修饰,所以用复数形式。


84. Encouraging     85. involved

