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15.-Shall we go on watching the HDTV programme? It is too wonderful.

-No. It's time we  ________  to bed.

A.must go          B.shall go  

C.have to go           D.went

答案与解析:D 考查固定句型。It is time (that) sb. did sth.或It is time that sb. should do sth.为固定句型,意为“该某人做某事了”。


14.-Why are you so late?

-I got stuck in the traffic jam, or I ________ earlier.

A.arrived  B.have arrived

C.would arrive  D.would have arrived

答案与解析:D would have done原本可以……。下句意思为“我堵车了,否则我原本可以早到一点。”


13.But for the help of tens of thousands of PLA soldiers, many people ________ from the earthquake.

A.wouldn't have been saved

B.were not saved

C.wouldn't have saved

D.hadn't been saved

答案与解析:A would have done“原本可以做……”。


12.The patient insisted that he ________ ill and ________ to the hospital.

A.wasn't; wasn't sent

B.wasn't; shouldn't be sent

C.shouldn't be; wasn't sent

D.shouldn't be; shouldn't be sent

答案与解析:B 因为在说话者看来,“没病”是事实,故用陈述语气;“不送医院”尚未成为现实,故用虚拟语气。


11.He is so  ________    a man that he will have held an umbrella over a duck in a shower of rain.

A. merciful             B. honest

C. reasonable             D. sincere

答案与解析:A 句意:他为人是那么大慈大悲。在倾盆大雨中会给鸭子打伞。merciful“仁慈的,有同情心的”,符合题意。honest“诚实的”;reasonable“讲道理的;合情理的”;sincere“真诚的”。


10.The Dubai Tower is one of the most challenging engineering projects they have ________.

A.  undergone          B. overtaken

C. understood            D. undertaken

答案与解析:D 句意:迪拜塔是他们所承担的最具挑战性的工程之一。undertake“承担;从事”,符合题意。undergo“经历;遭受(不好的体验)”;overtake“追赶”;understand“懂得,理解”。


9.Maggie has been fortunate to find a job she loves; ________, she gets well paid for it.

A. sooner or later            B. moreover

C. as a result                D. further

答案与解析:B 句意:麦吉很幸运地找到了一份自己喜欢的工作,而且她的工资也不低。moreover意为“而且,此外”,符合题意。sooner or later“迟早”;as a result“结果”;further“更进一步地”,不能用于句首。


8.Soviet  women  carry  the  main  ________     of  shopping, homemaking and child rearing.

A.  load                     B.  burden

C. burst                   D. weight

答案与解析:B 句意:苏联的妇女承担的主要负担就是采购、做家务及抚养孩子。burden“负担”,符合题意。load“载重”;burst“突然爆发”;weight“重量”。

