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30. -Is this book interesting?

-Yes, but I’m sure it won’t interest______ .

A. everybody     B. anybody     C. nobody     D. somebody

[解析]选A。考查代词。everybody与否定词连用表部分否定。not everybody并非人人都……。anybody与否定词连用相当于nobody,与句意不符。somebody不用于否定句中。而not nobody为双重否定表示肯定,但这里有but表转折,故应选A。


29. The newly-published book______ thirty maps,_____ five of Japan.

A. contains; including

B. is containing; including

C. includes; contains

D. contains; included

[解析]选A。考查动词词义辨析。句意:新出版的书含有30张地图,包括五张日本的。contain “含有”,include“包括”,常用于including sth. /sth. included。


28. It is said that the desert is moving as_____ whole in_____ direction of the city.

A. a; /          B. /; the

C. a; the     D. the; a

[解析]选C。as a whole 作为整体,in the direction of “朝……的方向”。句意:据说那沙漠整体在朝这座城市的方向移动。


27. Not only I but also many others are______ by the______ examinations.

A. bored; bored       B. bored; boring

C. boring; bored       D. boring; boring



26. It was on the farm_______ he spent his childhood learning how to grow vegetables.

A. where B. that

C. when  D. which

[解析]选B。考查强调句型。强调句型:It is/ was+强调部分(主语、宾语、状语)+that。不管是强调时间、地点还是事物都用that,只有强调人时才可用who。


-Where did you meet Mary for the first time?

-It was on the farm______ we worked.

A. where B. that       C. when        D. which

[解析]选A。答句不是完整的强调句型。只有被强调部分:on the farm where we worked, 而句子的其他部分由于上文已经出现而省略了(that I met Mary for the first time)。答句句意为:是在我们工作的农场上我第一次见到玛丽的。因此空格处为一个where 引导的定语从句。


25. -How are you getting on with your business, Tom?

-I’m glad to say it is______ after several months’ depression.

A. picking up        B. making up

C. taking up         D. turning up

[解析]选A。考查动词短语。pick up “恢复健康,情况好转”。make up “占据,弥补”;take up “开始从事”;turn up “出现”。句意:--汤姆,生意进行得如何?--很高兴在几个月的萧条之后,正在好转。


24. -Do you like The Legend of Bruce Lee?

-Yes. I think it is popular_______ the country.

A. through    B. across

C. over   D. from

[解析]选B。考查介词。across the country“全国”。句意:

--你喜欢《李小龙传奇》吗?--是的,我想它全国流行。表示“全国”还可以用throughout the country 和 all over the country。


23. According to a UN report, 30 percent of the world population have no______ to clean drinking water and health care.

A. sense      B. chance      C. access      D. standard

[解析]选C。句意:根据一份联合国的报告,世界上30%的人口没有干净饮用水和健康保障。have no access to没有机会利用。access使用;sense意义,感觉;chance机会;standard标准,与句意不符。


22. It is_______ that I can still remember_______ was discussed at the meeting.

 A. sure; when        B. sure; what

C. certain; when   D. certain; what

[解析]选  D。sure的主语不能用it,when 不能充当从句中的主语,因此只有D符合。


21. He was seriously ill. That’s ______ he didn’t appear at the party.

A. because      B. what      C. why      D. when

[解析]选C。考查表语从句。why引导的表语从句内容是“某一结果”。而because引导的表语从句内容是“原因”。 生病是原因,没去参加party是结果,故选C。

