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11. A monument was built in Tian’anmen Square______ the people losing their life for our country in the war.

A. in favor of         B. in memory of

 C. in need of        D. in search of

[解析]选B。句意:为了纪念在战争中为国捐躯的人们,在天安门广场上建了一座纪念碑。in memory of “为了纪念”;in favor of “支持”;in need of “需要”;in search of “寻找”。


10. The Titanic sank slowly to the bottom of the ocean with

1, 500 passengers_________ .

A. on the board       B. on board

C. on the aboard       D. on aboard


1 500名乘客。”所缺词组表示“在船上”,用(be)on board表示。aboard为副词或介词,故不与冠词、介词连用。


9. Hearing the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games_______ , all the people in the National Stadium burst into cheers.

A. declared to have opened   B. declaring to be opened

C. declared open      D. to be declared open

[解析]选C。非谓语动词在感官动词hear, see, watch, notice等词后作宾语补足语时,主动关系用do或doing形式,被动关系用done。本题中宾语the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games与declare之间是被动关系,因此用declared;open是形容词表示状态,作补语。


8. The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see _________ the next year.

A. carried with        B. carried away

C. carried out     D. carried through

[解析]选C。句意:经理们讨论这个计划,他们想看到明年该计划的实施。carry out the plan实施计划。carry with“随身带着”;carry away拿走; carry through顺利完成。


7. Her son is studying in Beijing University and majoring  _______ chemistry.

A. on    B. of     C. in      D. about

[解析]选C。major in“主修,专业是”。


6. The bridge built in 1994 needed to be rebuilt while Zhaozhou bridge is still _______ .

A. in use     B. out of use

 C. come into use D. of no use

[解析]选A。句意:1994年建造的桥需要重建,而赵州桥却还在使用中。in use“在使用中”;out of use “无用”;come into use “开始被使用”; of no use “无用”。


5. We have enough grain while that country is rich in oil, so we can receive oil_____ for grain.

A. in return      B. in turn

C. in fact     D. in nature

[解析]选A。in return for sth. 为了报答……;作为……的报酬。句意:我们有足够的粮食,而那个国家富有石油,因此我们可以用粮食换取石油。而in turn反之,轮流;in nature天性;in fact事实上,均不符合句意。


4. Experts say that the_______ the earthquake had______ the children will last for a long time.

A. affect; on      B. effect; in

C. influence; on    D. influence; in

[解析]选C。have (an) influence on sb. /sth. “对……有影响”;affect是动词, 不符合句子结构;effect后面多用介词on。句意:专家们说地震对孩子们的影响将会持续很长一段时间。


3. Not only_______ give people relaxation and pleasure, but________ increase their knowledge of any kind.

A. can travel; it can        B. travel can; can it

C. can travel; can it        D. travel can; it can

[解析]选A。考查倒装。句意:旅游不仅给人们带来放松与喜悦,而且能提高他们的知识。not only放在句首时应用部分倒装,而but (also)分句用正常语序。


With fewer and fewer farmers______ chickens, the price of eggs in the market________.

A. rising; rises        B. raising; raises

C. rising; raises    D. raising; rises



farmer与raise之间是主动关系,故用v. -ing形式作宾语补足


2. Only when you have got enough data ________ come to a sound conclusion.

A. can you       B. you can

 C. would you        D. you would

[解析]选A。only 和它所修饰的状语一起放于句首时,主句要部分倒装,由从句时态及语意选A。

