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      Perhaps you have never heard of Katherine Lawes. Katherine was the  36   of Lewis Lawes, warden (监狱长) at Sing Sing Prison from 1920-1941. In his 21 years he made many reforms (改革) -and a(n)  37   part of his success was owing to his wife Katherine.

Katherine took   38   the idea that the prisoners are human beings, worthy of attention and respect. She   39    inside the walls of Sing Sing every day. She   40   the prisoners, did something for them and spent time listening to them. Most importantly, she cared about them. And   41   , they cared deeply about her.

Then one night in October of 1937, news was  42   between the prison cells that Katherine was  43  in an accident. The prisoners asked the warden to allow them to  44  her funeral bier(葬礼). He promised their  45   request and a few days later the south gate of Sing Sing swung (转弯) slowly   46   . Hundreds of men marched   47   from the prison gate to the bier,   48   again at the house and returned to their cells. There were so many that they proceeded(行进) unguarded. But   49   tried to escape. If he had, the others may have killed him on the spot. So  50   were they to Katherine Lawes, the woman who   51     walked into Hell to show the men a piece of Heaven.

Katherine’s    52    was to see the men less as  53   and more as human beings. Thomas Moore has said, “We can only 54    badly those things or people whose souls we show no respect for. ” To treat people well is to  55   their souls. To honour their souls is to understand what it means to love your neighbor.

36. A. wife      B. secretary       C. assistant       D. nurse

[解析]选A。考查名词。联系下文中的“owing to his wife Katherine”可知,Katherine 是监狱长的妻子,而不是秘书、助手或护士。

37. A. ordinary         B. difficult

C. important             D. small

[解析]选C。考查形容词。根据下文中的owing to 可知,Katherine 对其丈夫的成功作出了重大的贡献,也可以结合全文的意思得出这个结论,ordinary和small的意思与文意不符;这里也没有“困难”之意。

38. A. politely           B. seriously

C. quietly            D. exactly


39. A. checked      B. observed

C. visited      D. noticed


40. A. sang     B. ignored

C. questioned       D. encouraged


41. A. as a result B. after all

C. by the way      D. what’s more

[解析]选A。考查副词性短语。根据上下文的逻辑关系,结合此处的语境,“they cared deeply about her”是上句所表示的意思的结果;as a result 的意思是“结果”。而after all “毕竟”;by the way “顺便”;what’s more “还有”,均不合上下文语境。

42. A. introduced        B. spread

C. announced          D. broadcast

[解析]选B。考查动词。结合下文中的“between the prison cells”, 说明这个消息是传播,而不是宣布、广播等意思。

43. A. injured       B. wounded

C. damaged     D. killed

[解析]选D。考查动词。根据下文中的“her funeral bier”, 说明她不是受伤,而是死亡,所以是killed。

44. A. help          B. support

C. attend           D. arrange

[解析]选C。考查动词。attend 是及物动词,有“参加(会议、讲座、丧礼)”之意。

45. A. reasonable         B. strange

C. real             D. crazy


46. A. closed      B. back       C. ahead      D. open

[解析]选D。考查形容词。联系下文中的“from the prison gate to the bier”,说明监狱的大门被打开(open)了。

47. A. slowly        B. quickly

C. happily          D. luckily

[解析]选A。考查副词。既然是参加葬礼,happily 和luckily显然与情景不符,由于人们的心情是沉重的,所以葬礼的队伍行进也是缓慢地(slowly)。

48. A. shouted      B. moved

C. gathered     D. talked

[解析]选C。考查动词。结合下文“and returned to their cells”,此处的情景是他们集合(gathered)起来。

49. A. some B. none      C. few       D. many

[解析]选B。考查代词。从后面的句子“If he had, the others may have killed him on the spot. ”来看,说明他们没有一个逃跑的。

50. A. cruel     B. generous

C. kind           D. devoted


51. A. daily     B. weekly

C. monthly     D. yearly

[解析]选A。考查副词。根据上文中的“every day”,说明这里指的是她每天来给他们送来温暖。每周、每月和每年均不如每天更能体现出她对他们的关心。

52. A. bravery      B. decision

C. strength     D. theory


53. A. workers      B. prisoners

C. people      D. beggars

[解析]选B。考查名词。此处的意思是“……更少地把他们看成犯人,而是更多地把他们当成人看”。所以less as prisoners 意为“更少地当作犯人”。

54. A. persuade  B. attack

C. educate      D. treat

[解析]选D。考查动词。联系后面的“we show no respect for”可知,不尊重某人就是对某人不好,treat sb. badly 意为“对某人不好”。其他选项的意思与语境不符。

55. A. catch     B. excuse

C. honour      D. forgive

[解析]选C。考查动词。该句句意:很好地对待一个人,就是尊重(honour)他的灵魂。这个意思也和文章主旨一致;而catch, excuse 和 forgive 的意思和语境不吻合。


35. -I’d prefer to stay here tonight, if you don’t mind.

-_______ .

A. Yes, I do     B. Never mind

C. Yes, please       D. Not at all

[解析]选D。考查情景交际。对于mind 的回答常用“Not at all”,“No, of course not”, 表示不介意。如果介意则用:You’d better not. 等较委婉的方式表示。Never mind. “没有关系”。


34. It is _______ going to rain tonight. I have heard the weather forecast.

A. most    B. possible

C. probably D. likely

 [解析]选C。句意:今晚很可能要下雨,我听过天气预报。possible 是形容词,不能用在这里。likely 通常用于 be likely to do 结构。因为是听天气预报得到的消息,所以可能性很大,因此选C。


33. It was in the gym ______ I often play basketball ______ I found my lost coat.

A. where; that      B. that; that

C. where; where D. that; where



32. -How is Mary’s English now?

-Mary is making steady _______ in English after she put her heart into it.

A. advance  B. improvement

C. progress  D. program

[解析]选C。考查名词辨析。句意:--现在玛丽的英语怎么样?--她自从学习用功以后,英语稳步进步。make progress“取得进步,有进展”。


31. After staying in hospital for long, the patient was advised to go to the seaside to________ his health.

A. take up  B. pick up   C. carry up  D. make up

[解析]选B。pick up恢复健康。句意:住了很长时间的院,病人被建议去海边恢复健康。take up从事;carry up拿起;make up化妆,编造。


30. -When can we go to visit you to have a look at your new house?

-Any time you feel like_______ .

A. that       B. one       C. it     D. so

[解析]选C。考查代词。it在这里指“来参观我的新房子”这件事。feel like. . . “想要……”。

