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3. You must cross the bridge if you want to get to the_______bank of the river.

A. other side             B. across

C. opposite               D. contrary

[解析]选C。句意: 如果你要到河对岸去, 你必须过桥。根据题干可知, 空白处缺形容词作定语, 排除A和B;contrary相反的, 截然不同的, 与句意不符。


2. Many a teacher_______ judged______ how great their achievements are.

A. is; in spite of          B. is; in terms of

C. are; in favour of       D. are; in ways of

[解析]选B。句意: 人们往往以成就的大小来评价老师们。many a teacher 根据主谓一致的原则, 谓语动词应用单数。in spite of 尽管, 不管; in favour of赞成, 支持;in ways of以……方式;in terms of就……而言。综上所述, 选B。


1. ________with George Bush, Obama is more inspiring in America.

A. Compare           B. When comparing

C. Comparing          D. When compared

[解析]选D。句意: 在美国与乔治·布什相比, 奥巴马更能鼓舞人心。Obama为句子的主语, 与compare之间为动宾关系, 因此用过去分词。


6. He is going down south( 去南方)  this summer.


5. In terms of finance( 从财力方面讲) ,  Company A has great advantage.


4. Comparing her work with his( 把他俩的工作比较) ,  you’ll find hers is much better.


3. The lecture was cancelled beyond our control( 超出我们的控制) .


2. Room A is 3 times the size( 三倍大)  of Room B.


1. Land belonging to ( 属于) the crown does not belong to the king personally but to the state.



Shanghai,  Hu for short,  1. is situated ( situate) on the estuary of Yangtze River of China. It is the largest industrial city in China. 2. Covering ( cover)  an area of 5, 800 square kilometers ( 2, 239 square miles) ,  Shanghai has a population of 18. 7 million, 3. including ( include)  2 million floating population.

The Oriental Pearl TV Tower is the modern symbol of Shanghai City. 4. Standing ( stand)  beside the Huangpu River with a height of 468 meters,  it is the tallest TV tower in Asia and the 4th 5. highest ( high)  in the world.

    Nanjing Road 6. is considered ( consider)  to be the “No. 1 commercial street in China”. Here along its 5. 5 kilometers,  you will find over 600 shops that on average 7. are visited ( visit)  by some 1. 7 million people each day. If you like shopping, do not miss it!

The Site of the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China is a typical two-storey brick and timber building of the kind to be seen in Shanghai City. It was here that the 8. founding ( found)  of the Communist Party of China 9. was announced ( announce)  in 1921.

   The Former Residence of Sun Yat-sen was once home to the famous Chinese democratic revolutionary and first president of Chinese Kuomintang, Sun Yat-sen and his wife, Song Qingling. The building contains exhibits furniture and personal effects once 10. used ( use)  by Dr. Sun Yat-sen.

Integrating skills

