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3. -How many people will attend the party?

-Ten, two children______ .

A. include       B. to include

C. including      D. included

[解析]选D。此题考查including和included的区别。including应放在two children的前面。


2. -How did you ______ French?

-I had lived in Paris with my aunt for 2 years before I came to England.

A. pick out       B. pick up

C. set up     D. set out

[解析]选B。问句句意为:你是怎么学会法语的?pick up在此意为“偶然学会,获得”; pick out挑选出;set up建立;set out 出发,着手。


1. -Please don’t try to learn too many things at a time, or you may get______ .

-Thank you for your advice.

A. confused      B. confusing

C. confusion      D. confuse

[解析]选A。句意:请不要一次学太多东西,否则你会被弄糊涂的。get confused “被弄混,混淆的”。confusing令人迷惑的,confusion为名词,confuse为动词,结构不正确。


5. throughout/through

1)The news of the disease, A(H1N1) flu soon spread throughout the country.

2)One day, two young men were going through the forest when they met a bear.


4. certain/sure

1)The deer there like to eat a certain kind of wild rose.

2)We are sure about our winning the English Competition.


3. raise/rise

1)The price of oil rose again last month.

2)They both worked hard in order to have enough money to raise the children.


2. include/contain

1)We have included the cost of teapot you broke in the bill.

2)This is the very magazine that contains the information you want.


1. confusing/confused

1)I am terribly sorry, but I am still confused about this point.

2)They asked me so many questions, which were all confusing .


10. The quality-oriented education will replace (取代) the present education.


9. Coal forms by a slow process (过程) of chemical change.

