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13. There are many different versions of English textbooks, but almost all of the teachers ______ the same teaching methods.

A. adapt  B. adopt

C. addict D. adjust

[解析]选B。句意:尽管有许多不同版本的英语教材,但几乎所有教师都采用同样的教学方式。adopt采用; adapt改编,使……适应;addict热衷于; adjust调整。


12. After his father, he is in _______ control of the company. I mean now the company is in ________ control of him.

A. the; /     B. /; the

C. the; the       D. /; /

[解析]选B。in control of 控制……,in the control of. . . 由……控制,被……控制着。


11. I think Qi Baishi ______ the art more greatly than some other artists.

A. contributed in   B. made contribution to

C. contributed to   D. made a contribution in

[解析]选C。contribute to=make a contribution to“对……有贡献”。句意:我认为齐白石对艺术的贡献比其他一些画家要大。


10. The whole book he wrote ______ three parts. It’s mainly about Ming Dynasty.

A. consists in     B. makes up

C. consists of     D. is consisted of

[解析]选C。consist of “由……组成”,没有被动式和进行时。consist in“在于……”。make up组成。句意:他写的整部书由三部分组成,主要是有关明朝的书。


9. He likes sports,________  I’d rather play games on computer.

A. as        B. while

C. however   D. still

[解析]选B。句意为:他喜欢运动,而我则爱好在电脑上打游戏。as “因为,当……时候”,however“然而”,常用逗号与主句隔开,still不引导从句,故A、C、D均不符合题意,while“而,然而”,表对比。


8. It isn’t quite _______ whether their team will win the game this evening.

A. sure          B. right

C. certain        D. exact



7. To be honest, I really don’t know what SOS______ . Can you explain it?

A. stands by      B. stands for

C. stands up      D. stands with

[解析]选B。句意为:老实说,我真不知道SOS代表什么?你能解释一下吗?stand by支持……, stand for代表,stand up起立,stand with和某人在一起。


6. We have ten players, so we need one more to ______ a team.

A. make for      B. make out

C. make up       D. make up for

[解析]选C。句意:我们已有十名运动员,尚需一名才能凑成一个队。make up意为“凑够,补足”;A项“向……前进”;B项“看清,分清”;D项“补偿”。A、B、D三项词义与句意不符。


5. With few people ________ pigs, the price of pork_______ .

A. rising; rises        B. raising; raises

C. rising; raises    D. raising; rises



4. -Now, can we get the TV set before Wednesday?

-Well,________ . If you live downtown, we can deliver it to you on Tuesday.

A. it depends     B. sounds great

C. with pleasure   D. all right

[解析]选A。从if条件句可看出,答句意为“取决于地点”。it depends意为“视情况而定”;B不合句意;C、D表示同意的回答。

