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1. We should develop the children’s ability of combining (结合) theory with practice.


The True Story of Treasure Island

   It was always thought that Treasure Island was the product of Robert Louis Stevenson’s imagination. 1  ,recent research has found the true story of this exciting work.

   Stevenson,a Scotsman,had lived  2  for many years.In 1881 he returned to Scotland for a  3   .With him were his American wife Fanny and his son   4    .  

   Each morning Stevenson would take them out for a long   5    over the hills.They had been  6   this for several days before the weather suddenly took a turn for the worse.Kept indoors by the heavy rain, Lloyd felt the days  7   .To keep the boy happy,Robert asked the boy to do some   8     .

   One morning,the boy came to Robert with a beautiful map of an island.Robert  9   that the boy had drawn a large cross in the middle of  10   .“What’s that? ”he asked.“That’s the  11  treasure,”said the boy.Robert suddenly  12 something of an adventure story in the boy’s  13   .While the rain was pouring,Robert sat down by the fire to write a story.He would make the  14   a twelve-year-old boy,just like Lloyd.But who would be the pirate(海盗)?

   Robert had a good friend named Henley,who walked around with the 15  of a wooden leg.Robert had always wanted to  16   such a man in a story. 17   Long John Silver,the pirate with a wooden leg,was   18   .

   So,thanks to a  19   September in Scotland,a friend with a wooden leg,and the imagination of a twelve-year-old boy,we have one of the greatest  20   stories in the English language.


1.A. However     B. Therefore    C.Besides    D.Finally

[解析]选A。根据空格前的the product和imagination与空后the true story构成逻辑上的转折关系,故用however。therefore因此,所以;besides而且,再者;finally最后,终于。

2.A.alone       B. next door

C. at home         D.abroad

[解析]选D。根据下文的returned to Scotland以及本段最后一句中his American wife,可知他多年以来一直住在国外。

3.A.meeting    B. story     C.holiday     D.job


  4.A. Lloyd    B.Robert     C.Henley     D.John


5.A.talk      B.rest      C.walk        D.game


6. A. attempting      B. missing

C.planning         D. enjoying


7.A.quiet   B.dull   C.busy    D.cold


8.  A. cleaning    B. writing    C.drawing    D.exercising

[解析]选C。根据下文中的a beautiful map of an island以及had drawn,可推知罗伯特让他的儿子画画消磨无聊的时间。

9.A.doubted   B.noticed    C.decided     D. recognized


10.A.the sea      B.the house

C.Scotland        D. the island

[解析]选D。根据上文的. . . of an island得出答案。

11.A.forgotten        B. buried

C.discovered           D.unexpected


12.  A. saw    B. drew    C.made     D.learned


13.  A. book    B. reply     C. picture     D.mind

[解析]选C。根据上文中的drawing或had drawn得出答案。

14.A.star     B.hero      C.writer      D.child

[解析]选B。根据后面的the pirate,与其对应的是hero,故本题的答案为B。

15.  A.help     B.problem     C.use     D.bottom


16.A.praise     B.produce     C. include     D.accept

[解析]选C。根据最后一段中的a friend with a wooden leg可知他的故事中包括了这样一个人。include包括;praise表扬;produce生产,产生;accept接受。

17.A.Yet     B. Also      C.But   D.Thus


18.A.read      B.born       C.hired       D.written

[解析]选B。Long John Silver,一个有木头腿的海盗就这样诞生了。

19.A. rainy     B. sunny     C.cool      D.windy

[解析]选A。根据上文中的While the rain was pouring. . . 得出答案。

20.A.news      B.love     C.Real-life    D. adventure

[解析]选D。根据上文中的. . . an adventure story. . . 得出答案。

Task & Project[


12. It was at the very beginning_______ Mr. Fox made the decision _________ we should send more fire fighters there.

A. when; which    B. where; that

C. that; that      D. then; so

[解析]选C。第一空格是强调句型的that, 第二空格是同位语从句的引导词,对decision的内容进行说明。句意为:Fox先生是在一开始做出决定:我们应该派更多的消防队员去那儿。


11. Be yourself and don’t _______ what others say about you.

A. care for       B. matter

C. worry     D. care about

[解析]选D。句意:做你自己,不要在意别人怎么评价你。care about“在乎,在意”;care for “喜欢,照料”;matter “有关系,重要”; worry “担心,担忧”。


10. With no bridge, they had to swim across the river to the_______ bank to_______ the news.

A. other; access       B. another; replace

C. opposite; spread     D. other’s; indicate

[解析]选C。句意:没有桥,他们不得不游过河到对岸把消息传出去。opposite对面的,spread the news把消息传出去。


8. Don’t _____ a promise to your child, or you should ______ it.

A. make; break    B. break; make

C. make; keep     D. keep; break

[解析]选C。make a promise “许诺”,keep one’s promise “信守诺言”,break one’s /the promise “违背诺言”。句意:不要向孩子许诺,否则你就应该信守诺言。


7. Mary is being punished by the headmaster. That was ______ she broke the school rules.

A. why          B. because of

C. the reason why  D. because



6. -I have to _______ these words. May I use your dictionary?

-Of course. Help yourself.

A. look for       B. look on

C. look up       D. look into

[解析]选C。look up “在(字典、参考书等)中查找”;look for 寻找;look on 观望;look into调查。问句句意:我有几个单词要查。我用一下你的词典好吗?


5. -Tom and Kate, you’ve arrived at last! Welcome!

-Yes, but you can’t imagine what difficulty we had______ your house.

A. finding         B. to find

C. found          D. with finding

[解析]选A。have difficulty (in) doing sth. “做某事费力/费劲”。答句意为:……你想像不出我们费了多大的劲才找到你家。

