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10. At first, the light was red, but after a while, it _______ blue.

A. turned to      B. turned into

C. turned over     D. turned down

[解析]选B。turn into“变成”,起初灯光是红的,但过了一会儿,变成了蓝色。


9. He has a strong_______ . He never gives up to whatever difficulty he meets.

A. temper    B. appearance

C. talent  D. character



8. The president said the report did not ______ his own views.

A. balance    B. update

C. reflect D. locate

[解析]选C。句意:总统说这篇报告没有反映他自己的观点。reflect“反映”;balance “平衡”;update “更新”;locate“设立,找出……场所。”


7. English differs from Spanish in _______ it is not pronounced as it is written.

A. what  B. which

C. this       D. that

[解析]选D。句意:英语和西班牙语不同,因为它的发音和书写不一样。in that “因为,由于。”


6. Several strong winds may_______ into a hurricane when the suitable temperature is met.

A. combine       B. unite

C. mix           D. connect

[解析]选A。“combine into”指连接成为一体。句意:……几股强风构成飓风。unite “团结,连接起来”,mix “混为一体,”connect “连接”,不和into连用。


5. _______ the direction of Zhang Yimou, the opening ceremony of Beijing Olympic Games was very successful.

A. In           B. With

C. Under     D. Below

[解析]选C。under the direction of sb. 在某人的指导下。句意:在张艺谋的指导下,北京奥运会的开幕式很成功。


4. Dr. Zhong was chosen to _______ our hospital at the international meeting.

A. represent      B. stand for

C. instead of      D. take the place of

[解析]选A。句意:钟大夫被选出来代表我们医院出席这次国际会议。instead of意为“代替”,是介词短语,无论词义还是词性都不符合题意;take the place of也是“替代”之意,不符合题意;stand for和represent,作“表示,象征”讲时通用,而代表某人或某单位(某国家)时只能用represent。


3. Human beings differ ______ all the other animals ______ their ability to make tools.

A. with; about     B. from; in

C. about; from        D. from; on

[解析]选B。differ from. . . in. . . “在……方面与……不同”。而differ with sb. on sth. “在……上与某人意见不同”。句意:人类与其他动物在制造工具的能力上不同。


2. In our daily life, money is very important in a way, but it isn’t______ .

A. everything     B. something

C. anything       D. nothing

[解析]选A。not. . . everything表示部分否定,由but可知部分否定形式合乎题意。该题易误选C。not. . . anything=nothing表示全部否定。

