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13. He treated us ______ a good dinner on New Year's Day.

A. with  B. for   C. of  D. to


12. You have to be very careful in this job, because a small mistake can_____.

A. make big difference   B. have a big difference  

C. make a big difference  D. make the big difference高考@资 #源$网yjw


11. The celebration was ______success. We sang and danced until it came to_____ end at eleven.

A. a; the  B. a; an  C. \; an.  D. the; the


第二节 情景对话(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)


M: You really don’t like the actor Mel Gibson?

W: ___________.

M: How about Julia Roberts? You must like her films.

W: ___________.

M: Oh, come on! They are both great actors.

W: I tell you I think they are boring. I can’t stand them. 高考@资 #源$网yjw

M: ___________?

W: In fact, I like horror movies.

M: Horror movies? You’re joking. ___________.

W: I can find something interesting in such movies.

M: ___________.

W: No, I don’t. I love classical music.

M: You do? I can’t believe that.

W: But it’s true.

A. Well, what kind of movie do you like

B. No, not at all高考@资#源 $网yjw

C. I agree with you

D. I’m afraid I don’t like any of her films

E. Yes, I think so

F. I mean they’re so bloody and terrified

G. So you must love heavy metal music

第三节  语法和词汇知识(共15小题; 每小题1分,满分15分)



5. poison  A. typist  B. desert  C. case    D. sleeve


4. though  A. thrill   B. thus   C. throat   D. thorough


3. harbor  A. towards  B. harmony  C. particular D. sugar高考@资#源$网yjw


2. polish  A. process  B. choke   C. stove   D. complex


第一节 语音知识(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)


1. editor  A. credit   B. elect  C. receive  D. demand

