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40.A. wonders    B. realizes      C. considers      D. discovers


39.A. protecting    B. saving      C. polluting      D. fighting


38.A. crowded     B. small       C. dirty        D. busy


37.A. common    B. the same      C. changeable      D. different


36.A. beautiful     B. unlimited      C. rare        D. valuable


35. Unfortunately when we arrived she _  __, So we only had time for a few words.

A. just left       B. has just left     C. was just leaving        D. had just left

SECTION B (18 marks)

   Directions:For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A,B,C and D.Fill each blank with a word or phrase that best fits the context.

In the past, man didn’t have to think about the protection of his environment. There were few people on the earth, and natural resources seemed to be 36  .

Today things are 37  , and the world has become too  38  . We’re using up our natural resources too quickly, and at the same time we are   39   our environment with dangerous chemicals. If we continue to do this, human life on the earth will not survive.

Everyone 40  today that if too many fish are taken from the sea, there will soon be none left. Yet, with modern fishing 41  , more and more fish are caught. We know that if too many trees are cut down, forests will disappear and nothing will grow on the land. Yet, we  42  to use bigger and more powerful machines to cut down more and more trees.

We know that if rivers are polluted with waste products from factories, we’ll die.  43  , in most countries wastes are still put into rivers or into the sea, and there are 44   laws to stop this.

We know, too, that if the 45  of the world continues to rise at the present rate, in a few years there will not be enough food . What can we do to solve these problems? 

If we eat more vegetables and less meat there will be more food available for every one. Land that is used to grow crops  46   five times more people than land where animals are kept. Our natural resources will last longer if we learn to recycle them.

The world population will not rise so quickly if people use modern methods of birth control.

Finally, if we educate people to think about the problems, we shall have a better and cleaner 47   in the future.


34.    __on a chair, he read an interesting storybook.

A. Sitting      B. To sit       C. Sat       D. Having sat


33. All the students suggested that they __________ two weeks to prepare for the exam.

A. give      B. should give    C. be given    D. would be given


32. ______ is reported that many young people go to big cities to earn money.

A. This      B. That      C. It        D. As


31. My favorite film star is Jack Cheng,      performances always make people laugh.

A. whose      B. as       C. which       D. why

