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第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22. 5分)


(Text 6)

M: Mrs White looks worried these days.

W: So she does. Steven hurt himself a week ago.

M: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. What happened to him.

W: He forgot to cut off the electricity before he mended the light. She was sorry that her husband wasn’t at home then.

M: The child is too young to do that, I think.

W: So do I. He almost cut his finger off. It nearly broke Mother’s heart.


(Text 7)

M: How did you find the little boy?

W: I came into the house to feed the cows, then I found a boy lying in the corner. He couldn’t speak we came up to him. I thought he was dead.

M: Yes. He had had nothing to eat for three days by then. We gave him some food. He ate it up soon and cleaned the plate at last.

W: Did you ask him where he came from?

M: Yes. His parents have a farm in Florida. He missed his bus in our town on his way to see his grandpa.

W: Didn’t his parents realize their son was gone?

M: No. he left the farm without telling anybody. His parents were worried very much. They’ll soon come to take him home.


(Text 8)

M: Well, Stella? Why do you look so unhappy?

W: Oh, Bill, I have just had a quarrel with Mr Pilips.

M: Mr Philips! Your best friend! What on earth was it about?

W: Today I forget to give him an important message, so he got angry with me.

M: Take things easy. Friends can have misunderstanding sometimes. But why was that?

W: I was just too tired. I’m usually in bed by about eleven. But I keep being woken up by half past four every morning. And then I can’t go back to sleep.

M: Why?

W: It’s my neighbor, the milkman next door. He has to get up at half past four and he always turns the radio on loudly.

M: Ask him to stop doing that; neighbors should care about each other.

W: I’m just thinking of that.


(Text 9)

W: Radio has really changed a lot since we were young. It used to be the major source of fun for the family.

M: Nowadays when you turn on the radio, you either hear music, a talk show or news.

W: Fortunately you can choose the kind of music you want to hear.

M: Yes, and there is a lot of points of view when you listen to talk shows. I usually enjoy listening to them. I particularly like it when a caller disagrees with the talk show host. I like to hear how he will defend his ideas.

W: Some talk show hosts are very rude to those who have opposing ideas. I really find that terrible.

M: It seems that people only listen to the radio when they are driving in their car.

W: That is true for me, but I know that my husband listens to it while he is working at home.

M: Now that I think about it, I realize that a lot of stores have the radio playing.

W: It’s still a useful and pleasant form of communication.


(Text 10)

The origin of Father’s Day is not exactly clear. The president of the Chicago branch of the business organization Lion’s Club, Harry meek, is said to have celebrated the first Father’s Day with his group in 1915. The day that they chose was the third Sunday in June, the closest date to Meek’s own birthday.

Regardless of when the first true Father’s Day was held, the strongest supporter of the holiday was Bruce John Dodd of Washington. Dodd felt he had a great father: a soldier of the Civil War whose wife had died young, and who had raised six children without a mother.

On Father’s Day, if children cannot be with their fathers of taking them out to dinner ,they send a greeting card. Traditionally, fathers prefer greeting cards that are not too senimental. Most greetings cards are whimsical so fathers laugh when they open them. Some give heartfelt thanks for being there whenever the child needed Dad.



 (Text 1)

W: The piano sounds terrible.

M: I wish I could ask for my money back. This performance is really a bad one.

(Text 2)

W: How much longer until we get there? I have a 10 o’clock meeting.

M: It should take another half hour.

W: OK. I’ll call and push the meting back an hour.

(Text 3)

M: Could I take a look at the diamond necklace in this case?

M: Wait a moment, while I get the key.

(Text 4)

W: What’s the matter?

M: I can’t find my lunch box anywhere. I know I had it when I arrived.

W: Never mind. I will treat you today at that cafe across the street.

(Text 5)

W: What can I do for you?

M: I’d like to buy a birthday present for my brother, but I really don’t know what to get.

W: Well, we have a special on ties. That’s always a good gift.

M: Sounds like a good idea.


第二节 书面表达 (满分25分)


1. 赚大笔钱:能干很多事;身份的象征;   

2. 成为明星:给父母争光;容易出名;

3. 尽可能为社会作贡献:百万富翁、名人只是少数。

注意:  1. 词数:120左右。   

2. 开头已写好,不计入总词数。

Recently we has had a class meeting whose topic is “success”. Views vary from person to person.





襄阳一中 枣阳一中
曾都一中 宜城一中

2010-2011学年上学期高  二  期中考试  英语  参考答案

1------5 CABCA  6----10 BACCB  11---15 BCAAA   16---20 BBBBC

21-25 CCDBB  26---30 ACDDB

31-35 BBCDC  36---40 ADCBA  41---45 BCBAC   46---50 ABBCD

51-55 DDACB  56---59 DBCA   60---63 CDBC    64---67 CDAC

68-70 BDA

71. assists his teacher in doing//with    72. hadn’t left school

73. That Tom fell off his chair // Tom’s falling off his chair

74. each/every time they met

75. Not having received an apply     76. The excited look on his face

77. that I couldn’t be absorbed in reading  78. have been taken

79. Girl as she was           80. needn’t have taken a taxi


