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4.At the meeting place of the Yangtze River and the Jialing River______,one of the ten largest cities in China.

A.lies Chongqing   B. Chongqing lies   D.does lie Chongqing  D.does Congqing lie


3.A: Everybody is going to climb the mountain. Can I go too,mom?

  B: ______Wait till you are old enough,dear.

A. Will you?    B. Why not?   C.I hope so.  D. I’m afraid not.


2. I’m calling to enquire about the position_____in yesterday’s China Daily.

A. advertised   B.to be advertised    C.advertising   D.having advertising


第一节 单项填空 (共15小题:每小题1分,满分15分)


1.The little boy won’t go to sleep ______ his mother tells him a story.

A.or    B. unless    C. but    D. whether


第 一 节

听 下 面 5 段 对 话 。 每 段 对 话 后 有 一 个 小 题 , 从 题 中 所 给 的 A 、 B 、 C 三 个 选 项 中 选 出 最 佳 选 项 , 并 标 在 试 卷 的 相 应 位 置 。 听 完 每 段 对 话 后 , 你 都 有 l0 秒 钟 的 时 间 来 回 答 有 关 小 题 和 阅 读 下 一 小 题 。 每 段 对 话 仅 读 一 遍 。

( ) l.W hat do we know from the conversation?

A She missed the carnival.  

B The weather was bad for a fortnight

C The traffic was bad.

( ) 2.What season is it now ?

A Spring.   B Summer   C Winter

( ) 3.Which of the foIIowing statements is TRUE?

A Only the woman likes to read Chris Paine’s book.

B Only the man likes to read Chris Paine's book.

C They both like to read Chris Paine's book.

( ) 4.When was the fire put out?

A At 2 o'clock. B At 5 o'clock. C At 3 o'clock

( ) 5.W hat is the man doing?

A Asking for heIp. B Making suggestions. C Asking for permission.

第 二 节

听 下 面 5 段 对 话 或 独 白 。 每 段 对 话 或 独 白 后 有 几 个 小 题 , 从 题 中 所 给 的 A 、 B 、C 三 个 选 项 中 选 出 最 佳 选 项 , 并 标 在 试 卷 的 相 应 位 置 。 听 每 段 对 话 或 独 白 前 , 你 将 有 时 间 阅 读 各 个 小 题 , 每 小 题 5 秒 钟 ; 听 完 后 , 各 小 题 将 给 出 5 秒 钟 的 作 答 时 间 。 每 段 对 话 或 独 白 读 两 遍 。

听 第 6 段 材 料 , 回 答 第 6、 7题 。

( ) 6.How old is Bob?

A.l5.    B.7     C.17

( ) 7.W hat is the woman's attitude to Bob's traveIing on his own?

A.She is worried about it.  B.She is against it.  C.She is eager to stop it.

听 第 7 段 材 料,回 答 第 8 至 第 10 题 。

( ) 8.W here are the speakers ?

A.In a store.   B.In a factory.   C.In a repair shop.

( ) 9.W hat does the man plan to do?

A.To repair the DVD player.  B. To return the DVD player.

C. To exchange the DVD player.

(  ) 10. What can we learn from the conversation?

A. The remote doesn't work because the man forgot to put batteries in it.

B. There are several problems with the DVD player bought by the man.

C. There is a problem with all the models made by this brand of the DVD play-er.

听 第 8 段 材 料,回 答 第 11 至 第 13 题 。

( ) 11. What is the most possible relationship between the man and the woman?

A. Man and wife.    B. Friends.        C. Colleagues.

(  ) 12. What do the man and the woman think of Mr. Hudson?

A. He is always unhappy.   B. He is cheerful usually.   C. He doesn't work hard.

(  ) 13. What does Mr. Hudson probably worry about?

A. His mother.      B. His job.        C. His son.

听 第 9 段 材 料,回 答 第 14 至 第 17 题 。

(  ) 14. What's the relationship between the two speakers?

A. Teacher and student  B. Classmates.   C. Boss and employee.

(  ) 15. What is he going to do?

A. Hold a party for the woman.

B. Hold a party for their friend, Jane.

C. See Jane off to China.

(  ) 16.What is Jane going to do?                        

A. She's going to work in China.   B. She's going to study in China.

C. She's going to visit in China.

(  ) 17. What's the woman's decision?

A. She wants to attend the party.

B. She doesn't want to attend the party.

C. She's not decided yet.

听 第 10 段 材 料,回 答 第 18 至 第 20 题 。

(  ) 18. How many topics does the report cover?

A.8.          B. 18.          C.22.

) 19. What will China build up a system to promote by 2050 ?

A. Public security.    B. New energy industry.  C. Agriculture.

) 20. What will China further develop?

A. Technology.      B. Science.     C. Mineral resource.


55. We can draw a conclusion from the passage that      .

    A. Marian knew what would happen before she married Kincaid.

    B. Kincaid thought his absence would be a problem when he married Marian.

    C. It turned out that Marian could not stand Kincaid’s absence and left him.

    D. After Marian left him, they still kept in touch with each other.


54. What can you know about Marian?

    A. She died after five years of marriage.

    B. She was older than Kincaid.

    C. She could sing very well and earned big money.

    D. She was not a professional pop singer.


53. Why did Kincaid stop to take photos while driving?

    A. To write “memory snapshots”

    B. To remind himself of places he might want to visit again.

    C. To avoid forgetting the way back.

    D. To shoot beautiful scenery along the road.


52. Which statement is true according to the passage?

    A. Kincaid’s parents were dead and he only kept in touch with some distant relatives.

    B. Kincaid would have had a dog if he hadn’t been away from home too much.

    C. Kincaid used to have a golden retriever.

    D. Kincaid needed a dog in doing his hard fieldwork.


51. Which route is the right one taken by Kincaid?

    A. Bellingham-Washington 11-Puget Sound-U.S Route 20-U.S Route 2-Duluth

    B. U.S. Route 2-Bellingham-Washington 11-Puget Sound-U.S Route 20-Duluth

    C. U.S. Route 2-U.S Route 20-Duluth –Bellingham-Washington 11

    D. Bellingham-Washington 11-U.S. Route 2-U.S Route 20-Duluth

