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34.Julia _____ with a stranger when Jim went in for the jacket he _____ in the restaurant.

A.had quarreled; left      B.had quarreled; had left

C.was quarreling; has left   D.was quarreling; had left


33. Success______ hard work while laziness ______ failure, as everyone knows.

  A. results in; results from    B. results from; results in

  C. leads to; lies in       D. results in; leads to


32. But for the fact that China ______ also affected by the global economic crisis, we ______ fewer unemployed workers now.

A. is; would have          B. were; would have 

C. was; would have had       D. were; would have had


31. He appears to be optimistic, but, ______, he is quite pessimistic.

A. in particular  B. on one hand  C. for one thing  D. as a matter of fact


29. He kept smiling secretly and we were all wondering_______that made him so happy.

A.how it did     B.what he did    C.how it was    D.what it was

30 ______ you may have, you should gather your courage to face the challenge.

A. However a serious problem     B. What a serious problem

C. However serious a problem     D. What serious a problem


28. People who don’t smoke have less _____ of suffering from lung cancer than those who do.

A. coincidence   B. load      C. aspect     D. potential


27. Sitting at the back of the room but in front of some old men and women ______ a very shy girl with two bright eyes.

A. was          B. were          C. are        D. being


26. --- We are going to hold a sports meeting tomorrow.

-- ______ it rains?

A. How about     B. What if      C. If only      D. Even if


25. _____ in her most beautiful skirt, the girl tried to make herself ______ at the party.

A. Dressed; noticing         B. Dressing; noticed

C. Dressed; noticed         D. Dressing; being noticing


24. The role change from husband to father, although difficult, doesn’t seem so great as _____   from wife to mother.

  A.one     B.that        C.it       D.those

