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9.The school should spend some time training students to ________ in any emergency,especially with all in the buildings.

A.test out     B.bring out     C.squeeze out    D.help out

答案 D

解析 句意为:学校应训练学生在紧急情况下互相帮助,脱离危险,特别是在楼上。


8.Most medical men in the Health Service are overworked,so they had little time to offer some advice on such subjects as diet,right living and the need for ________ bad habits.

A.abandoning    B.abolishing    C.polishing     D.solving

答案 A

解析 由于工作劳累(overworked),所以没有时间提供建议,对于坏习惯,应该abandon(抛弃,终止)。


7.His ________ description of his adventure in the forest made us want to have a try ourselves.

A.magic      B.vivid      C.relevant     D.awesome

答案 B

解析 生动的描述,其余选项不合题意。


6.Mr.Black ________ out for shopping when he heard the telephone ring,so he had to stay for a while to answer it.

A.had no sooner gone         B.had hardly gone

C.was about to go           D.was willing to go

答案 C

解析 从下文“他只好等一会儿接电话”可排除A、B两项;was about to go...when符合语境。


5.On feeling the earthquake,the teacher stayed calm in the front of the classroom,________ all the students to rush out of the classroom as quickly as possible.

A.encouraging            B.hoping

C.demanding             D.urging

答案 D

解析 encourage鼓励,不符合语境;hope,demand一般不跟含不定式的复合结构,故排除。urge督促,催促,合乎句意。


4.Thanks to the barking dog,the thief was ________ and we didn’t lose anything.

A.got away  B.broken away

C.scared away  D.taken away

答案 C

解析 scare away把某人或某物吓走,符合题意。


3.-What made Alice so angry?

-________ in the rain for an hour.

A.Being kept waiting         B.Being kept to wait

C.Because of waiting         D.She was kept waiting

答案 A

解析 考查动名词被动形式作主语。keep后跟动名词。


2.The new apartment built a few months ago is large enough to ________ over 500 people.

A.contain     B.provide      C.reside      D.accommodate

答案 D

解析 accommodate为……提供住宿,容纳;指“旅馆”等能为多少旅客提供住处;也指“交通工具”能搭载多少旅客。


第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


1.Students should be encouraged to use ________ Internet as ________ resource.

A./;a      B./;the      C.the;the     D.the;a

答案 D

解析 the Internet因特网,为固定搭配;as a resource作为一种资源,此处用a表示泛指。

