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3.It took us several hours to make the old man ________ of the safety of travelling by air.

A.believed                B.convinced

C.informed                D.persuaded

答案与解析:B 句意:我们花了好几个小时才使那位老人相信了乘飞机的安全性。convince “使信服,说服”。A项,“相信”;C项,“告知”;D项,“说服”,常用persuade sb.to do...说服某人做……。


2.Anyone who is in ________ of weapons without permission is considered law­breaking.

A.command               B.control

C.charge                 D.possession



1.All the students are looking forward to the first ________ to take the College Entrance Examinations.

A.measure                B.attempt

C.purpose                D.desire



It was one of the happiest moments in my life.I had just received my bachelor's degree,graduating with honors though I was a wife and mother working two jobs.My parents and son were in the audience when I __1__ onto the stage to get my diploma.I was so__2__ to be starting a teaching career and contributing more to my family's well­being.

But when I got home,I saw a__3__ from my husband written on the back of an envelope, __4__ he'd come to get his clothes and wouldn't be back.We'd been having a(n) __5__,but that note still came as a shock.He had emptied our bank account.We were heavily in debt.I had quit my previous jobs.__6__ I was eight months pregnant(怀孕).

Most young women have an idealized picture of the  __7__  marriage life:they're going to live in a house with a white­picket fence.But  __8__  tells them that's not true,and sometimes life is just bitter.It all caved in for me that night.I was __9__,scared,and angry and felt I had completely  __10__.

But I had my son,and I was about to bring a new life into the world,so despite of my deep __11__,I had to go on.The next morning,I  __12__ up,took a deep breath,fixed breakfast and did everything __13__.I used my routine to keep me __14__.Having served in the army for six years,I now fell back on (转而依靠,依赖) my  __15__,like all good soldiers do in __16__ situations.One small step after one small step was the way I finally __17__.

During the last seven years,I've continued moving  __18__.I got a job as a kindergarten teacher,earned a master's degree in __19__,and watched my kids grow up.Looking back on those days,I certainly would  __20__ have chosen to put them through this,but I'm glad it happened to me and helped me find myself a lot sooner.It helped me grow independent,confident and strong.

1.A.jumped             B.rushed    

C.walked              D.hurried

2.A.surprised             B.excited    

C.amused              D.puzzled

3.A.note              B.letter     

C.card               D.notice

4.A.telling              B.speaking   

C.informing            D.saying

5.A.fun              B.happiness   

C.argument                D.difference

6.A.However            B.Yet      

C.Plus               D.Otherwise

7.A.happy             B.easy      

C.rich               D.simple

8.A.anyone            B.someone    

C.none               D.no one

9.A.embarrassed              B.cautious   

C.thrilled              D.confused

10.A.exhausted           B.defeated    

C.failed              D.broken

11.A.sadness            B.surprise    

C.desire              D.regret

12.A.stood             B.got      

C.cheered              D.turned

13.A.in peace           B.in a hurry   

C.as usual             D.at ease

14.A.hoping            B.thinking   

C.living               D.moving

15.A.training            B.practice    

C.experience            D.pattern

16.A.favorable           B.tough     

C.helpless              D.hopeless

17.A.succeeded           B.survived    

C.escaped             D.recovered

18.A.forward            B.backward   

C.around                 D.down

19.A.military            B.business   

C.education             D.acting

20.A.never             B.ever      

C.rather              D.even



1.C walk onto the stage“走向舞台”。

2.B 在毕业典礼上,作者的心情应该是非常激动的(excited)。

3.A 我看到的是丈夫写的一个便条(note),下文的that note still came as a shock也是暗示。

4.D saying表示“(便条上面)写着,说到”。

5.C have an argument指作者和丈夫之间一直“有争吵”。

6.C 我们负债累累,我辞掉了先前的工作,加上我还有八个月的身孕。这三句话讲出了作者当时的艰难处境。

7.A 大部分女人在结婚前会幻想一种美好的婚姻生活--生活在有尖桩篱笆的小院。因此此空填happy。

8.D no one=nobody意为“没有人”;none“一个也没有,一点儿也没有”。没有人指出那不是现实,有时候生活是辛酸的。

9.A 根据上文可知,我当时的处境非常尴尬(embarrassed)。

10.C 我感觉自己彻底失败了。exhaust和defeat是及物动词,后面须接宾语,由此可排除A、B。

11.A 虽然我的内心充满了悲哀(sadness),可是生活还得继续下去。

12.B get up“起床”;stand up“站起来”;cheer up“高兴起来”;turn up“出现”。早上作者起床,深呼吸,做饭,像平常一样做事。

13.C as usual“像往常一样”;in peace“安静地”;in a hurry“匆忙地”;at ease“自由自在地”。虽然丈夫抛弃了我们,可是生活还得继续,因此我的生活起居还像往常一样,下句中的my routine也暗示填as usual。

14.D move“进展,前进,展开”。句意为:我用我惯常的生活程序使我的生活继续下去。最后一段的第一句也是暗示。

15.A Having served in the army for six years说明“我”在最艰难的时刻,只能依赖在部队时的训练(training)了。

16.B in tough situations“在艰难的处境中”。就像士兵在艰苦的情况下要扛过去一样,我也得挺过去。helpless常用于形容人,表示“孤立无助的”。

17.D recover“恢复,康复”,指我的情况慢慢地改变了,恢复到了正常的状态。

18.A move forward“前进”。我奋力前行。结合下文可知,我不断改善自己的处境。

19.C 上句说作者的职业是幼儿园教师,因此可推测她在教育方面取得了硕士学位。

20.A put sb. through“使某人经历……”。如果当初可以选择的话,我当然不希望我的孩子经历这些痛苦。


15.-Have you worked out the math problem yet?

-Not yet.________ another hour,I may work out this problem.

A.Given                 B.To be given

C.Giving                  D.Having been given

答案与解析:A given为过去分词做状语,表示被动。它的逻辑主语为主句主语I,即“再给我一个小时”。


14.The teacher,________ his students' English was poor,decided to give them more help.

A.knowing                B.known

C.to know                D.being known

答案与解析:A 动词­ing形式做状语表示原因,句子主语与know之间为主动关系。


13.As a policeman,Mr Brown thought that he had a duty to ________ the lost children in finding their homes.

A.assist                  B.help

C.provide                 D.support

答案与解析:A assist意为“帮助,协助”,多指个人给予道义、知识、物质等方面的帮助,与介词in连用。help意为“帮助”,后接带to的或不带to的不定式做宾补;provide意为“提供”;support意为“支持”。


12.Operations which left patients ________ and in need of long periods of recovery time now leave them feeling relaxed and comfortable.

A.injured                  B.deserted

C.exhausted                D.abandoned

答案与解析:C 句意:那些以前使病人疲惫不堪,并需要很长时间康复的手术现在已经使病人感到轻松、舒适了。所选词语应和“relaxed and comfortable”(放松的和舒适的)相反,所以应用exhausted (疲惫的)。


11.Children's brains can't develop properly ________ they lack protein.

A.when                  B.since

C.because                D.unless

答案与解析:A 考查when的一个特殊用法。本题中的when引导的是一个条件状语从句,相当于if。句意:如果孩子缺少蛋白质,大脑就不能正常发育。

