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I arrived in the classroom,ready to share my knowledge and experience with 75 students who would be my English Literature class.Having taught in__1__for 17 years,I had no __2__about my ability to hold their attention and to__3__on them my admiration for the literature of my mother tongue.

I was__4__when the monitor shouted,“Stand up!”

The entire class rose as I entered the room,and I was somewhat__5__about how to get them to sit down again,but once that awkwardness(尴尬) was over,I quickly__6__ my calmness and began what I thought was a fact­packed lecture,sure to gain their respect - perhaps__7__their admiration.I went back to my office with the rosy glow which came from a sense of achievement.

My students__8__a diary.However,as I read them,the rosy glow was gradually__9__by a strong sense of sadness.The first diary said,“Our literature teacher didn't teach us anything today.__10__her next lecture will be better.”Greatly surprised,I read diary after diary,each expressing a __11__theme.“Didn't I teach them anything?I described the entire philosophical framework of Western thought and laid the historical__12__for all the works we'll study in class,”I complained.“How__13__ they say I didn't teach them any thing?”

 It was a long term,and it__14__became clear that my ideas about education were not the same as__15__of my students.I thought a teacher's job was to raise__16__questions and provide enough background so that students could __17__their own conclusions.My students thought a teacher's job was to provide__18__information as directly and clearly as possible.What a difference!

__19__,I also learned a lot,and my experience with my Chinese students has made me a__20__American teacher,knowing how to teach in a different culture.

1.A.the UK            B.the US

  C.China           D.Australia

2.A.worry                B.idea

  C.doubt            D.experience

3.A.impress            B.put

  C.leave            D.fix

4.A.excited            B.satisfied

   C.disappointed         D.shocked

5.A.puzzled            B.sure

   C.curious           D.worried

6.A.found            B.returned

   C.regained         D.followed

7.A.more             B.even

   C.yet             D.still

8.A.passed             B.borrowed

   C.kept           D.read

9.A.replaced           B.taken

   C.caught          D.moved

10.A.Naturally           B.Perhaps

   C.Fortunately        D.Reasonably

11.A.different           B.strong

    C.similar          D.usual

12.A.happenings          B.characters

   C.development        D.background

13.A.should            B.need

   C.will           D.must

14.A.immediately          B.certainly

   C.simply          D.gradually

15.A.that             B.what

   C.those          D.ones

16.A.difficult            B.interesting

   C.ordinary         D.unusual

17.A.draw            B.get

   C.decide          D.give

18.A.strange           B.standard

   C.exact          D.serious

19.A.Therefore            B.However

   C.Besides         D.Though

20.A.normal           B.happy

   C.good          D.better



1.B 由文章最后一段“__20__American teacher”可知,答案选B。

2.C 依据“Having taught in__1__for 17 years”可判断,“我”一点也不怀疑自己的能力。因此答案选C,doubt“怀疑”。worry“担忧”;idea“想法”;experience“经验”,均不符合句意。

3.A 根据语境,此处表示“我”确信自己一定能吸引他们的注意力,并使他们意识到“我”对自己民族文学的崇拜。impress sth.on sb.“使意识到”;put on“把……放在上面”;fix on“把……固定在上面”;leave通常不与on搭配。依据句意,答案选A。

4.D 由下文内容可知,“我”在进教室时听到班长喊“起立”,感到有些震惊,故答案选D。excited“兴奋的”;satisfied“满意的”;disappointed“失望的”,均不符合语境。

5.A puzzled“迷惑的”;sure“确信的”;curious“好奇的”;worried“担心的”。依据语境,“我”对如何让他们坐下感到”困惑”,因此答案选A。

6.C 此处是指尴尬已过去,“我”就很快恢复了平静。find“发现”;return“归还”;regain“恢复”;follow“跟随”,依据句意,答案选C。

7.B “我”确信自己一定能赢得学生的尊敬,甚至赢得他们的钦佩,因此答案选B,even“甚至”。more“更多的”;yet“仍然”;still“还”,均与句意不符。

8.C keep a diary意为“记日记”,是固定搭配。

9.A 从下文内容可以看出,此处指“我”在读学生的日记时,前面提到的那种成就感被一种悲伤替代了,故答案选A。

10.B 学生认为,老师第一节课讲得不好,也许第二节课会好些。所以答案选B,而不是naturally“自然地”,fortunately“幸运地”,reasonably“合情合理地”。

11.C 由上文“Our literature teacher didn't teach us anything today.”以及下文“How__13__ they say I didn't teach them anything?”可推知,每篇日记都表达一个相似的主题,故答案选C。

12.D lay意为“设置”。lay the historical background意为“设置历史背景”。其他选项与上下文语境不符。因此答案选D。

13.A 依据语境,此处是指“我”对学生的反映感到意外,因此答案选A,should与why,how,who等连用,表示“意外,惊异”。

14.D immediately“立即”;certainly“必定”;simply“仅仅”;gradually“渐渐地”。由“It was a long term”可判断,这里表示渐渐变得很清楚,故答案选D。

15.C 用those指代前面的ideas。如果选ones,须在其前面加定冠词the。

16.B 上文提到“I had no__2__about my ability to hold their attention”,可推断,“我”上课时会提出一些有趣的问题,因此答案选interesting。

17.A draw a conclusion意为“得出结论”。

18.C 句意:我的学生认为教师应该尽可能清楚直接地为他们提供精确的知识和信息。strange“奇怪的”;standard“标准的”;exact“精确的”;serious“严肃的”,依据句意,答案选C。

19.B 该段与前面一段构成转折关系,因此答案选However。

20.D 此处表示教中国学生的经历使我成为一个更好的美国老师,表示现在和过去相比较,故答案选D。


15.Because of their continuous failures,my enthusiasm for Chinese football team gradually________.

A.faded away       B.ran out

C.gave up        D.died out

答案与解析:A fade away“逐渐消失;消退”。run out“用完”,其主语通常是物;give up“放弃”;die out“灭绝”。


14.If there is anything you want,please don't ________to ask me.

A.stop           B.mind

C.hesitate        D.pause

答案与解析:C hesitate to do...“做……犹豫不决”,符合题意。stop“停止”;mind“介意”;pause“暂停”。


13.(2011·安庆联考) Was it________the conference of APEC that made Shanghai the focus of the world then?

A.holding              B.to hold

C.held                D.having held

答案与解析:A 这句话是强调句型,强调句中的主语,原句应是 Holding the conference of APEC made Shanghai the focus of the world then.


12.Lang Lang is my favorite pianist.I regard him as________other pianists.

A.superior to      B.more superior to

C.superior than     D.more superior than

答案与解析:A be superior to...“优越于……”为固定词组。superior 无比较级,也不能与than搭配。


11.Shanghai and Nanjing are among the most important cities in China________their size and population.

A.in favor of        B.in case of

C.in honor of      D.in terms of

答案与解析:D in terms of“就……来说;从……角度”符合题意。


10.A teacher must see to it that every one of his students develops________.

A.fairly        B.properly

C.hurriedly       D.extremely

答案与解析:B properly“适当地,相当地”符合题意。


9.We________certain living things as birds not because they have long legs or short legs,but because they all have feathers.

A.suppose       B.classify

C.look         D.insist

答案与解析:B classify...as...“把……归类为……”。


8.The veteran workers are doing their best to pass ________ their technical know­how(技能)to the younger generation.

A.off                 B.on

C.away            D.through

答案与解析:B pass on 传授;pass off 逐渐消失;冒充;pass away 去世,消磨掉;pass through 穿过;通过;经历。

