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14.Shanghai is the first city in the world ________ a highspeed Maglev train,from the city to Pudong Airport.

A.to build         B.to be built

C.to have built      D.to have been built

答案与解析:C 动词不定式作定语,该事件已发生,故要用不定式的完成式。


13.He is so diligent a student that he is always ________ his classmates in every subject.

A.in advance      B.in front of

C.far ahead of      D.before

答案与解析:C 根据题意可知,此处意思应为“胜过,超过”,即be ahead of others,故选C项。


12.These people live ________ the country and have little connection with the outside world.

A.in the lines of     B.in the face of

C.in the depths of       D.in the form of

答案与解析:C in the depths of the country“在偏远地区”。in the lines of“在……线上”;in the face of“面对”;in the form of“以……的形式”。


11.It was a(n)________ party.We danced all night and then watched the sun coming up over the sea.No better way to welcome the New Year.

A.awful          B.terrible

C.frightening       D.awesome

答案与解析:D 题意:这是一个很棒的晚会,我们彻夜跳舞,然后观看海上日出,没有比这更好的迎接新年的方式了。awesome“很好的;了不起的”。


10.The Internet is working wonders in ________ standards of goods and honest firms should benefit most.

A.raising          B.lowering 

C.abandoning       D.carrying



9.People have planted a great many trees in order to ________ wind and sand in the desert.

A.hold down       B.hold up

C.hold back        D.hold out



8.We were ________ the most important scientific development of the century.

A.seeing          B.watching

C.looking         D.witnessing



7.The Israel's sudden attack made them more ________ the danger around them.

A.aware           B.aware about

C.aware of          D.aware to

答案与解析:C aware用作形容词时,与之搭配的介词为of,其后也可以接从句。aware后接that从句时,一般不接介词of;若接what等从句,介词of可带也可不带。本题空格后是名词the danger,因此应用aware of。句意:以色列的突然攻击使他们更加注意周围的危险。


6.He,out of breath,________ himself along the street.Perhaps he was badly ill.

A.drew            B.pulled

C.dragged          D.pushed

答案与解析:C drag oneself表示“蹒跚着前进”。句意:他气喘吁吁地在大街上蹒跚前进,可能病得不轻。


5.You buy the fruits;________ I'll cook breakfast.

A.on the other hand  B.the same time

C.in the meantime    D.at all time

答案与解析:C in the meantime“同时,在……期间”。句意:你去买水果,同时我来做早餐。at all time意为“无论何时”,不符合句意;on the other hand“另一方面”。

