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7.After a whole afternoon's heated discussion,they finally ________ to us what had been decided.

A.told                B.declared

C.stated              D.made



6.President Hu Jintao said China and the US had common ________ in Taiwan.

A.affairs              B.business

C.projects           D.interests



5.Her parents had had a very anxious moment but everything ________ all right in the end.

A.turned up           B.carried on

C.turned out          D.carried away



4.All of us were ________ to hear that Lily,our company's most valued clerk,should say she would leave the company.

A.alarming           B.alarmed  

C.terrified             D.satisfied

答案与解析:B be alarmed担心,害怕。


3.-The education system rather than the teachers ________ to answer for the overburden on the middle school students.

-I agree.I hope the reform being carried out in our country at present will bring about the ________ results.

A.are; desired          B.are; desiring

C.is; desired           D.is; desiring

答案与解析:C 第一空应用is,因为主语为The education system,第二空desired为形容词,意为“想要的”。


2.He wouldn't help us even if we were good friends;________ we treated him badly before.

A.let alone            B.leave alone

C.leave out            D.leave off



1.Why don't you put the apples in the fridge?They will

________ fresh for several days.

A.be stayed     B.stay

C.be staying            D.have stayed

答案与解析:B stay是不及物动词,意为“保持”,无被动语态和进行时。


Over dinner a few weeks ago,the novelist Lawrence Naumoff told a troubling story.He __1__ students in his introduction to creative writing course at UNC Chapel Hill if they had __2__ Jack Kerouac.Nobody raised a hand.__3__ he asked if anyone had ever heard of Jack Kerouac.There are more blank __4__.

Naumoff began __5__ the legend of the literary wild man.One student offered that he had a teacher who was just as __6__.Naumoff asked the professor's name.The student said __7__ didn't know.Naumoff then asked this oblivious(健忘的) scholar,“Do you know my __8__?”

After a long pause,the young man replied,“No.”

“I guess I've always known that many students are just __9__ my course to get a requirement out of the way,”Naumoff said.“But it was __10__ to see that some couldn't even go to the trouble of __11__ the name of the person teaching the course.”

The other UNC professors at the __12__ began sharing their own stories about the troubling state of curiosity on __13__.All of them have noted that such ignorance isn't __14__-students have always possessed far less knowledge than they should.But in the past,__15__ tended to be a source of shame and motivation.Students were far more likely to be __16__ by not­knowing,far more eager to fill such gaps by learning.__17__,nowadays as one reviewer once said,“It's that they don't __18__ what they don't know.”

In our increasingly complex world,the amount of information required to master any __19__ discipline-puters,life insurance,medicine-has expanded geometrically(几何学上).We are forced to __20__ specialists,people who know more and more about less and less.Curiously,in a world where everything is worth knowing,nothing is.

1.A.helped         B.greeted 

C.taught          D.asked

2.A.read        B.recognized 

C.visited          D.wrote

3.A.But         B.Or     

C.Then          D.So

4.A.puzzles        B.expressions 

C.smiles         D.feelings

5.A.describing      B.drawing   

C.showing        D.painting

6.A.ugly        B.handsome  

C.crazy          D.angry

7.A.he         B.she     

C.they          D.we

8.A.story        B.name    

C.address         D.work

9.A.getting        B.putting   

C.taking          D.making

10.A.excited       B.interested 

C.pleased         D.disappointed

11.A.finding out      B.looking for 

C.putting up        D.pointing to

12.A.class        B.dinner   

C.room          D.house

13.A.train        B.bus     

C.campus          D.literature

14.A.old        B.short    

C.long              D.new

15.A.ignorance      B.curiosity  

C.knowledge      D.gaps

16.A.troubled      B.moved    

C.touched         D.respected

17.A.Therefore      B.Otherwise  

C.However         D.Anyway

18.A.go through     B.take in   

C.meet with       D.care about

19.on    B.simple   

C.particular       D.easy

20.A.act        B.become   

C.call           D.want



1.D 小说家劳伦斯·诺莫夫在北卡莱纳大学教堂山区教文学创作时,“问”(ask)学生有没有“读过”(read)杰克·克鲁亚克。help 帮助,greet 问候,teach 教授,均不合句意。

2.A 结合上题的解析可知,此处是……有没有“读过”(read)杰克·克鲁亚克。用read符合语境,而recognize 辨认,visit 拜访,write 写,均不合句意。

3.C 没人举手,“然后”(then)他又问……then表示递进关系,符合语境。而but表转折关系,or表选择关系,so表因果关系,均不合句意。

4.B 形容学生们脸上茫然的“表情”应用expressions。其他三项puzzles 困惑,smiles 微笑,feelings情感,都是表情的具体形式,不符合语境。

5.A 诺莫夫开始“描述”(describe)这个文学界狂人的传奇故事。draw 画,show 展现,paint 刷油漆,均不合语境。

6.C 有个学生提出,他以前有个老师跟此人一样“疯狂”(crazy)。crazy与上文的wild吻合。

7.A 学生说“他”(he)不知道。此处与上文的人称要一致且由下文the young man replied...可推知是位男生。

8.B 你知道我的“名字”(name)吗?根据上文的暗示Naumoff asked the professor's name以及下文的...the name of the person teaching the course可知。

9.C 我想很多学生“选修”(take)我的课只是为了拿学分……take one's course 选修某人的课。其他动词搭配无此含义。

10.D 有的学生会连授课老师的名字都懒得“弄清楚”(find out),这也实在令人“失望”(disappointed)。excited 兴奋的,interested 感兴趣的,pleased 高兴的,均不合语境。

11.A 结合上题解析知此处选finding out。look for 寻找,put up 张贴,point to 指向,均不合句意。

12.B “餐桌上”(at the dinner)其他北卡莱纳大学的教授们也开始讲述自己的遭遇。根据文章首句的信息Over dinner a few weeks ago可知,这些教授们是在餐桌上谈论此事的。

13.C 教授们感慨着“校园”(campus)内好奇心(的缺失)是多么令人不安。campus符合上下文语境。而train 火车,bus 公交车,literature 文学,均不合语境。

14.D 他们指出,这种无知并不“新鲜”(new)。old 旧的,short 短的,long 长的,均不合句意。

15.A 但在过去,“无知”(ignorance)往往让人惭愧并催人奋进。curiosity 好奇心,knowledge 知识,gaps 间隙,均不符合句意。

16.A 过去的学生更会由于不知道某些东西而“感到苦恼”(be troubled),更会去刻苦学习以弥补差距。moved 被感动的,touched 受感动,感激,激动,respected 被尊重的,均不合句意。

17.C “而”(however)如今,像一位书评家所说的……therefore 因此,otherwise 否则,anyway 无论如何,均不合句意。

18.D 像一位书评家所说的,“问题是他们对此还满不在乎。”用care about表示“关心,在乎”,符合语境。go through 经历、经受,take in 接受、吸收,meet with 偶遇、遭受,均不合句意。

19.C 我们的世界越来越复杂,掌握任何一门有“特殊”(particular)规律的学科--如计算机、人寿保险,医学--所需要知道的信息都呈几何级数增长。common 普通的,simple 简单的,easy 容易的,均与下文的...has expanded geometrically不吻合。

20.B 我们被迫要“成为”(become)专家……用become符合语境。act 扮演……角色,call 称呼,want 想要,均不合句意。


15.I want ________ my hair cut,because it wants ________.

A.having; cutting     B.to have; cutting

C.to have; to cut       D.having; to cut

答案与解析:B 第一个want主语是人,指某人想要做什么,后接不定式;第二个want相当于need,主语是物,后接动名词的主动形式表示被动意义。

