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9.When I went to the Smiths',they happened ________ dinner.

A.to have         

B.to be having

C.to having been having 


答案与解析:B happened to be having dinner表示“碰巧正在吃饭”。


8.-Where should I send my form?

-The Personnel Office is the place ________.

A.for sending it     B.to send it to

C.to send          D.to send it

答案与解析:B 不定式在句中作定语,根据send的固定用法“send sth.to sp.”可确定答案,to不可省略。


7.Even though he has lived in China for many years,Mark still can not ________ himself to the Chinese customs.

A.fit              B.adopt

C.adapt            D.account

答案与解析:C adapt sb.to sth.“使某人适应某物”,为固定搭配。此处指马克仍不能适应中国的风俗习惯。


6.They have found that even if their patients do not really feel like laughing,making them smile is enough to produce

________ effects similar to those caused by laughter.

A.different         B.beneficial

C.effective          D.harmful

答案与解析:B beneficial“有益处的”,此处是指让别人笑能够产生有益处的效果。


5.The ________ of air also explains why the stars don't seem to twinkle in space.

A.absence          B.absent

C.present           D.presence

答案与解析:A absence“缺乏;缺少;缺席”。


4.Over two thirds of the population were believed to have no ________ to the health care in the west rural areas in China.

A.aid                 B.way

C.belief           D.access

答案与解析:D have access to sth.意为“自由使用”,为习惯搭配。way是可数名词,前面应用冠词。


3.________ from the company,the young director still went to the office every day to finish off the unfinished work.

A.Resigning         B.Retiring

C.Designing         D.Assigning

答案与解析:A resign“辞职”,符合题意。retire“退休”;design“设计”;assign“安排”。


2.It ________ me that she just expects us to help,but I have so many things to do today.

A.annoys           B.surprises

C.excites           D.delights

答案与解析:A annoy“打搅某人;使某人烦恼”。


1.You did not perform as well as the other competitors-

________,you failed.

A.in other words     B.after all

C.in the end         D.at the same time

答案与解析:A 后句是对前句的解释说明,并不是对前面所述情况的总结,故in other words“换句话说”符合题意。


Time fly like an arrow.I'm already in the second half of Senior Grade 3 before I realized it.There is only a little more than three months before I graduate middle school.At the present,I'm busy reviewing my lessons in order to take the college entrance examination.I hope to go to Beijing University,that is one of the best universities not only in China but also in world.I'll try my best to turn my dream to reality.Most of my classmates are also studying very hard to realize our wishes.I do believe everyone will be able to enter a very good university and college.

