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2.-How do you think of my homework?

-Good work,________ a few slight mistakes.

A.in addition to            B.except

C.as well as                D.apart from

答案与解析:D apart from意为“除……之外,此外”,既具有except,except for的含义,又具有in addition to,besides,as well as的含义。根据句意可判断出apart from意为“除……之外”,与except for的意思相同。except指从整体中除去部分。


1.After all things had been discussed,the meeting was ________ with the applause.

A.completed               B.composed

C.constructed               D.concluded

答案与解析:D conclude意为“结束”,指彻底结束、关闭,可用于讲话、写作、会议、条约、甚至生意的正式结束,有时也可指以任何方式结束;complete意为“完成”,表示“使完整”,含有成品完整的意味;compose意为“组成,构成”;construct意为“建造”。


I had arrived at the airport about 30 minutes before the check­in.It had been very __1__ three days for me with lots of meetings.So I was glad to have the __2__ time to make a note of what I __3__ to do the following day.But then came the __4__ that my flight had to be __5__ because there was a problem with the plane.

   As I sat waiting for my __6__ to be called,I reflected on my last meeting of the day.It was not a business meeting but rather a very enjoyable __7__ with an old business friend I had not seen for over 12 years.Our lunch was spent recalling time gone by __8__ filling each other in what had happened in our lives over the last 12 years.We both laughed and smiled as we recalled the good times and the great experiences we had __9__ together.At the end of our time together,we both said how much we had __10__ it and that we must do it again.

   It was great to have this additional time to replay in my __11__ all that we had talked about.I realized how important it was to have regular __12__ of the good times in our life.I was lucky enough to have had the chance to take a short __13__ and reflect on the good things that had happened in my life over the last 12 years.

It was somewhat like looking at an old photo album __14__ in a cupboard in your house.There before your eyes are lots of wonderful __15__ that take you back to times and places,and most importantly to those people who are in the __16__.

My flight home was finally __17__ three hours later.I smiled as I __18__ the plane and realized that I was not at all __19__ about the delay in the flight,as I had been able to spend the time __20__ on the good times from days gone by.

1.A.important       B.busy

C.convenient        D.useful

2.A.pleasant         B.satisfying

C.happy           D.extra

3.A.had           B.failed

C.needed             D.managed

4.A.announcement  B.declaration

C.opening          D.speech

5.A.waited         B.cancelled

C.taken           D.delayed

6.A.flight         B.turn

C.name            D.order

7.iation     B.lunch

C.party            D.discussion

8.A.as well         B.except for

C.as well as        D.in addition

9.A.spent          B.met

C.managed         D.shared

10.A.got           B.enjoyed 

C.made           D.paid

11.A.thought           B.spirit 

C.flight            D.mind

12.A.time         B.plans 

C.reminders         D.remainder

13.A.way          B.cut 

C.method          D.break

14.A.stored away   B.put on 

C.set aside         D.given out

15.A.celebrations   B.memories 

C.awards           D.presents

16.A.cupboard      B.books 

C.childhood         D.photos

17.A.shouted       B.phoned 

C.called           D.commanded

18.A.left          B.boarded 

C.jumped          D.reached

19.A.upset         B.happy 

C.crazy           D.surprised

20.A.taking        B.seizing 

C.reflecting         D.bringing



1.B 由下文“with lots of meetings”可知,答案选B,这里指很“繁忙的(busy)”三天,而不是important“重要的”,useful“有用的”,convenient“方便的”三天。

2.D 依据上文“about 30 minutes before the check­in”可判断,此处指“我”有额外的时间来做别的事,因此答案选D。

3.C 结合上文语境,此处指“我”很乐意有额外的时间来计划第二天“需要(needed)”做的事,所以答案选C。have to do sth.“不得不做某事”;fail to do sth.“未能做某事”;manage to do sth.“设法做成某事”,均不符合语境。

4.A 依据语境可知,这里应指机场发布了一项通知,因此答案为A。

5.D 从下文可知,航班是被延误了(delayed),所以答案选D。cancel“取消”,不符合文意。

6.A 飞机出了故障,“我”当然是等待“航班(flight)”,因此答案为A。

7.B 由下文“Our lunch”可知,答案选lunch“午餐”。negotiation“谈判”;party“聚会”;discussion“讨论”,均不符合文意。

8.C 答案选C,用as well as连接recalling和filling两个动名词短语。

9.D spend,meet,manage都不能与先行词times和experiences很好地搭配,因此答案选D,share“分享,共有”。

10.B 由“we must do it again”可知,“我们”很满意那天的聚餐,因此答案选B。

11.D 句意为“有这样额外时间来回想我们的对话实在是太好了”。回想应是在大脑中,因此答案为mind。thought“思想”;spirit“精神”;flight“班次”,均不符合句意。

12.C 这里说的是“我”的感受:“我”认识到经常回顾生命中的快乐时光是多么重要。reminder“引起回忆的事物”;time“时间”;plan“计划”;remainder“剩余物”,依据句意,答案选C。

13.D 由下文“reflect on the good things”可知,这里表示“我”有机会来短暂地放松,因此答案为D,take a short break“短暂地休息”。

14.A 句意为“这就有点像是在看储藏在家里柜子里的老相册一样”。store away“贮藏”;put on“穿上”;set aside“留出”;give out“分发”,依据句意,答案选A。

15.B 既然“take you back to times and places”,那么应是“许多精彩的回忆”,因此答案选B。celebration“庆祝”;award“奖品”;present“礼物”,均不符合句意。

16.D 上文已经提到“an old photo album”,因此答案为D。

17.C 由上文“As I sat waiting for my __6__ to be called”可知,此处答案应为C。

18.B board the plane“登飞机”,答案选B。

19.A 由“I smiled”可知,此时“我”的心情是很愉快的,所以对飞机的晚点并不“心烦(upset)”,故答案为A。

20.C 由上文“reflected on my last meeting of the day”与“reflect on the good things”可知,答案选C,reflect on“认真思考”。take on“呈现”;seize on“抓住(可利用的事物)”;bring on“导致,促使生长”,均不符合语境。


15.As some experts say,shopping by television will never take ________ place of shopping in stores,because many people find shopping at a store ________ great enjoyment.

A./; a             B.the; a

C.a; the           D.a; /

答案与解析:B take the place of“取代;代替”为固定短语;enjoyment为抽象名词,但具体指一件能给予人快乐的事情时,其前一般加不定冠词。


14.The people there were friendly and the food was delicious.________,the party was pleasant.

A.After all         B.Above all

C.In all          D.All in all

答案与解析:D all in all“总而言之”,是对某一事件总体上进行的总结,符合题意。after all“终究;毕竟”;above all“首先”;in all“总计”。


13.Johnson managed to go to England to study medicine with the ________ of his uncle.

A.resistance        B.assistance

C.requirement      D.assignment

答案与解析:B with the assistance of...“在……的帮助下”。resistance“反抗”;requirement“要求”;assignment“分配”。


12.I can't come to your birthday party tonight.I really would be ________,but I have an important meeting ________.

A.like to; to be attended

B.glad to; to attend

C.glad to do it; attending

D.glad; to attend

答案与解析:B be glad to后省略了come to your birthday party;不定式to attend作定语修饰meeting。


11.The secretary hasn't sent the report here,but she promised ________ by tomorrow.

A.for me to have it ready

B.to have it ready for me

C.it was ready for me

D.to have it send to me

答案与解析:B promise to do表示主语许诺要做某事;D项中的send和it间为被动关系,应用sent。


10.The hare arrived at the tree exhausted,only ________ that the tortoise had already been there.

A.finding          B.find

C.to find         D.found

答案与解析:C 不定式在句中作结果状语,“only to find”表示出乎意料的结果。

