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12.Yao Ming,the Houston Rockets' All­Star center,was once ________ a stress fracture(骨折) in his left foot that nearly ended his NBA season.

A.diagnosed with            B.treated with

C.cured of                D.discovered with

答案与解析:A be diagnosed with意思是“被诊断为……”。句意:姚明,休斯敦火箭队核心人物,曾被诊断出左脚患有应力性骨折,差点结束了他的NBA赛季。be treated with和be cured of意思是“被治疗,被治愈”。


11.Mr Johnson is my best friend,whose ________ I like best in him is his cheerfulness.

A.habit                   B.manner

C.characteristic                 D.custom

答案与解析:C characteristic意为“特征;特点”,表示“他的愉悦气质是我最喜欢的特点”。habit意为“习惯,癖好”;manner意为“态度,样子,举止、习惯,风俗;惯例,常规”;custom意为“风俗;习俗”。


10.(2011·合肥168中)Taiyuan, a city in North China, was struck by a heavy snowfall last week, ________ serious traffic problems.

A.to face                  B.faced

C.facing                  D.having faced



9.You can see programs broadcast by any station because television stations around the country are ________ by satellites.

A.linked                  B.combined

C.attached                    D.associated

答案与解析:A link意为“连接;联系”,表示“全国的电视台通过卫星联系在一起”。combine意为“(使)联合,(使)结合”;attach意为“使附属,使隶属”;associate意为“使联合”。


8.Tom failed in the examination because he wasted a lot of time surfing the Internet and only then ________ that nothing was more valuable than time.

A.he realized               B.he had realized

C.had he realized            D.did he realize

答案与解析:D 以only后接状语或状语从句开头的句子要进行倒装。


7.-Which driver,do you think,________ for the accident?

-I'm not quite sure.

A.was to blame                 B.was going to blame

C.was to be blamed          D.should blame

答案与解析:A be to blame表示“应该受到责备”。


6.The miners ________ in the severe accident are now being attended in the hospital.

A.injured                  B.being injured

C.to be injured              D.injuring

答案与解析:A 动词­ed形式做定语表示被动和完成意义。动词­ing形式的被动式表示正在发生的动作。不定式的被动式表示将要发生的动作。


5.The supermarket ________ all spotted apples every evening.

A.refused                 B.rejected

C.denied                 D.handled

答案与解析:B reject意为“丢弃”,即丢弃所有的烂苹果。


4.-What do you think of Miss Evens' works?

-They have ________ our understanding of these difficult subjects.

A.contributed to             B.attended to    

C.devoted to               D.look forward to

答案与解析:A contribute to意为“帮助”,本句中表示“帮助理解这些困难的问题”;attend to意为“注意”;devote to意为“贡献”;look forward to意为“期望”。


3.We were all excited when we had a good ________ of the town from the top of the hill.

A.sight                  B.scene

C.view                  D.look

答案与解析:C view意为“风景”,多指在远处或高处展现在眼前的景色;sight尤指以人文景观或历史遗迹为主的可供游览的地方;scene指具体的、某处周围一时的景色,以大自然的景色为主;look指“样子、外表”。

