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2.No matter what the newspaper articles say,the newly­made temple doesn't ________ a place of interest.

A.head for                 B.make for

C.offer to                 D.run out



1.On the course an astronaut should receive a thorough training in every ________ before flying to space.

A.means                 B.aspect

C.respect                  D.appearance



While my friends went away to their universities in great delight,I restarted my senior high school life.My spirits __1__ at the prospect of starting all over again.

__2__ by strange classmates,I felt as though I were in a maze and felt __3__ for myself.There were some complex feelings in my mind.I was frightened,nervous and lonely.

To make __4__ worse,I recalled my failure again and again,which put more pressure on me  than I could __5__.As a result,I was always feeling __6__ during class.

One of my teachers noticed my depression and one day he asked me to go to his office,where he told me about his __7__ towards life.He said,“We might __8__ from making mistakes,but it's important to model ourselves into people we __9__.All the growing __10__ and the embarrassing things we __11__ are parts of the process.We never stop __12__,so learn from it and keep up your spirits!If you are optimistic,things you want may __13__ to you!”__14__ feelings rushed through me.I __15__ saw the sun shining again when I stepped out of his office.

With the teacher's help,I finally __16__ my depression.From then on,I no longer __17__ my head but began smiling at my classmates.I put up my hand __18__ in class and tried to answer teachers' questions correctly.

I __19__ have a thirst to go to my dream university,__20__ now,I'm not afraid of  failure because I can benefit from it.

1.A.sank             B.failed       

C.disappointed           D.ran

2.A.Hit              B.Surrounded    

C.Struck              D.Loved

3.A.unlucky             B.angry       

C.sorry             D.afraid

4.A.scores             B.studies      

C.feelings             D.matters

5.A.bear              B.hope       

C.need              D.believe

6.A.high               B.down       

C.lonely             D.happy

7.A.way              B.method      

C.measure            D.attitude

8.A.learn              B.suffer       

C.hear              D.judge

9.A.reach              B.enjoy       

C.like              D.hate

10.A.aches             B.pains       

C.joys              D.injuries

11.A.feel                B.experience     

C.taste                 D.get

12.A.standing up          B.growing up     

C.going up             D.bringing up

13.A.refer            B.turn        

C.stick              D.happen

14.A.Warm            B.Thoughtful     

C.Cool              D.Regretful

15.A.suddenly             B.generally   

C.naturally              D.sadly

16.A.got on            B.got over      

C.got off             D.got out

17.A.buried            B.shook       

C.bowed              D.nodded

18.A.freely            B.hopefully     

C.quickly             D.confidently

19.A.even             B.ever       

C.still              D.yet

20.A.otherwise          B.or         

C.but              D.instead



1.A 由下文内容可以推知,作者不得不复读,眼看着一切还要从头开始,作者情绪低落,因此该空应填sank。

2.B 由上文“I restarted my senior high school life”可以推知作者置身于新的环境,周围都是陌生同学,因此该空应填Surrounded。

3.C 处境的不顺让作者感到难过。

4.D “To make matters worse”是固定短语,意为“更糟的是”。

5.A 一次又一次回忆失败使作者给自己带来的压力超出了自己的承受能力,故只有bear“承担,负担”符合上下文语境。

6.B 由上文可以推出该空表示“(情绪)低落的”,因此应填down。

7.D 下文说的是作者的老师对生活的态度,因此该空应填attitude。

8.B 出错是一件痛苦的事,因此该空应填suffer。

9.C 但是把自己塑造成自己想成为的人很重要。

10.B 由语境可以推出该空表示“(成长中的)痛苦”,因此应填pains。

11.B 令人尴尬的事我们也会经历,因此该空应填experience。

12.B 由常识可知,我们都在不断地成长,因此该空应填growing up。

13.D 如果你乐观,你所需要的事有可能会发生。

14.A 由上文内容可知,老师给了作者鼓励,而这对被鼓励者来说无疑是一股暖流,因此该空应选A。

15.A 由语境可知,由于作者转变了观念,心情也好了起来,他“突然”感到阳光很灿烂,因此该空应填suddenly。

16.B 由主语和宾语之间的逻辑关系可以推出该空表示“克服,战胜”,因此应填got over。

17.C 情绪的改善、自信的恢复让作者不再低头生活而是笑对同学。

18.D 主动举手回答问题是自信的表现,因此该空应填confidently。

19.C 尽管遭遇了失败,作者仍然渴望考上理想的大学。

20.C 过去作者害怕失败,而现在不再害怕了,因此这里表示转折关系,应填but,空后的now与刚开始形成对比。


15.Father is strongly opposed ________ shopping on Sunday because the streets and supermarkets are full of people.

A.to do                   B.to doing

C.of doing                 D.with doing

答案与解析:B 本题考查be opposed to(doing)sth短语。be opposed to(doing)sth意为“反对……”,其中to为介词,后跟名词或动名词。


14.________ my friends and myself I thank you-without your help we would have lost our lives.

A.In contrast with           B.In relation to

C.On behalf of              D.Regardless of

答案与解析:C on behalf of“代表”。句意:我代表我朋友和我自己向你致谢--要是没有你的帮助,我们就没命了。in contrast with“与……形成对比,与……相比”;in relation to“关于”;regardless of“不管,不顾”。


13.-How do you like your trip to Hainan?

-________,I enjoyed it very much,although the weather was unpleasant sometimes.

A.In addition               B.On the whole

C.In other words          D.On the other hand

答案与解析:B on the whole“总的来说”,与题意相符。


12.A love marriage,however,does not necessarily ________ much sharing of interests and responsibilities.

A.take over                B.hold on

C.result in                    D.keep on

答案与解析:C 恋爱结婚的结果未必能保证双方共享利益,共担义务。result in 结果是,导致;hold on 继续下去,等一等;把(某物)固定起来;keep on 继续下去,继续雇用(某人);take over 接管,接替。


11.-She couldn't have done that sort of thing.

-Whatever she did was reasonable,________ to what you did.Besides,it's none of your business.Get down to

________ your lessons.

A.comparing; doing         B.comparing; do

C.compared; doing             D.compared; do

答案与解析:C compared to“与……相比较”;get down to“开始做某事”,to为介词,后接名词或动名词。


10.He being a child of ________ intelligence,expecting too much of him will make him nervous.

A.average                B.slight

C.strange                D.different

答案与解析:A 对他期望太高会使他紧张不安,可见他只是一个智力一般的孩子。average“普通的,一般的”,符合题意。

