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9.I think immediate action should be ________ to prevent people from being affected by the Bird Flu.

A.made               B.taken

C.paid                D.kept

答案与解析:B take action to do sth.意为“采取行动干某事”,该结构中宾语被提前,故用被动结构。


8.Students are warned of not being too ________ about things they are not supposed to know.

A.strange             B.curious

C.conscious            D.amusing

答案与解析:B 本题考查be curious about的用法。


7.They were hidden in the forest to avoid ________ by the enemies.

A.to find                    B.to be found

C.being found                 D.finding

答案与解析:C avoid后接名词或动名词作宾语,主语they和find为逻辑上的动宾关系,故C项正确。


6.In some cases,different approaches ________ the same scientific problem lead to conflicting theories.

A.to                     B.in

C.of                     D.for

答案与解析:A approach此处意为“方法”,与介词to搭配。


5.-I would never come to this restaurant again.The food is terrible!


A.Nor am I               B.Neither would I

C.Same with me             D.So do I

答案与解析:B 考查倒装和习惯句型的用法。答语是想说明“我也不会再来这家餐馆了”,相当于:I would never come to this restaurant again either.故B正确。还可用“Nor would I.”或“The same with me.”


4.-Tom isn't so strong as he ________,is he?

-No,he is ________ his two brothers.

A.thinks; no stronger than

B.expects; as strong as

C.appears; not stronger than

D.looks; the strongest of

答案与解析:C 句意是:“汤姆不象他看起来那样健壮,是不是?”“是的,他不如他的两个哥哥健壮。”appear和look指外表给人的印象,而实际情况也可能不是这样;第二个空应用比较级。


3.________ thousands of Chinese students,Chuck has vast experience in the Chinese class.

A.Having taught             B.Taught

C.Teaching                D.To have taught

答案与解析:A 此题考查分词作状语。句意是:教过成千上万的中国学生,查克对中国的课堂有大量的经验。从语态方面看,teach与主语Chuck是主动关系,所以要用现在分词,从时态方面看,teach应该发生在“has vast experience”之前,所以要用现在分词的完成形式。


2.-Have you finished doing all the exercises the teacher gave you yesterday?

-Yes,completely.________ is left.

A.None                   B.Nothing

C.No one                 D.Neither

答案与解析:A 此题用none表示数量,意为“一点儿都没有剩下,都做完了”。


1.________ the company at such an evening party,he has been choosing a suit which will ________ him best.

A.Representing; agree         B.Represented; fit

C.Represent; match          D.To represent; suit

答案与解析:D 句意是:为了要在那样一个晚会上代表他的公司出席,所以他一直在挑选最适合他的礼服。不定式to represent表示目的;suit表示场合、身份等方面的适合;match意为“比得上,配得上”;fit指尺寸方面的合适。


When I graduated from college,I got a work as a translator.Because I didn't like the work,so I quitted and set up my own business-a Taobao e­shop.I have done some part­timework in this field at college.For the first two month,I sold less than 2,000 yuan worth of goods,that made my life a little tough.Hewever,things improved before I realized I could buy popular products in greater quantities at lower price.This attracted more customers.I also found other supplier who now offers me better discounts.My income had increased.This is enough to cover my monthly expense and it is more better than being employed.

