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2.-Did you see the boys yesterday afternoon?

-Yes.I saw them ________ the fence when I passed.

A.climb               B.climbed

C.to climb                 D.climbing



1.-How could you ________ my sister so easily in the crowd?

-Because she stood out in her red dress.

A.pick up              B.pick out

C.take up               D.take out



Even at the age of 75,Thelma was still very energetic,attractive and full of life.When her husband passed away,her children __1__ that she move to a“senior living community”.As a(n)__2__ and lifeloving person,Thelma __3__ to do so.

Shortly after moving in,Thelma became a selfappointed activities __4__,coordinating(协调)all sorts of things for the people in the community to do and quickly became very __5__ and made many friends.When Thelma turned 80,her __6__ friends showed their __7__ by throwing a surprise birthday party for her.When Thelma entered the dining room for __8__ that night,she was __9__ by a standing welcome and one of the coordinators led her to the head table.The night was __10__ with laughter and __11__,but throughout the evening,Thelma could not take her eyes __12__ a gentleman sitting at the other end of the table.

When the __13__ ended,Thelma quickly __14__ from her seat and __15__ over to the man.“Pardon me,”Thelma said.“Please __16__ me if I made you feel __17__ by staring at you all night.I just couldn't help myself from looking your __18__.You see,you look just like my fifth husband.”

“Your fifth husband!”replied the gentleman.“Forgive me for asking,__19__ how many times have you been married?”

With that a smile __20__ Thelma's face as she responded,“Four.”

They were married shortly after.

1.A.demanded          B.required

C.persuaded            D.suggested

2.A.hopeful            B.elegant

C.optimistic            D.attractive

3.A.refused             B.promised

C.decided              D.suspected

4.A.official             B.director

C.manager             D.conductor

5.A.famous             B.popular

C.smart               D.familiar

6.A.new­found          B.new­born

C.new­come            D.new­fashioned

7.A.satisfaction          B.thanks

C.appreciation           D.dinner

8.A.fun               B.party

C.ceremony            D.dinner

9.A.provided           B.accepted

C.greeted              D.offered

10.A.arranged           B.filled

C.spent                D.designed

11.A.relaxation             B.interest

C.entertainment          D.fantasy

12.A.off               B.away

C.over                D.upon

13.A.birthday           B.celebration

C.conference            D.ceremony

14.A.stood             B.lifted

C.raised               D.rose

15.A.wandered          B.walked

C.rushed               D.crashed

16.A.inform            B.tell

C.forgive              D.remind

17.A.uncomfortable       B.unusual

C.unbearable            D.unfortunate

18.A.seat              B.way

C.position              D.location

19.A.and              B.however

C.so                  D.but

20.A.went through       B.met with

C.came across            D.turned up



1.D 孩子们“建议”自己母亲改变一下环境,所以demand(急需;迫切需要),require(需要),persuade(说服)都不符合句意。

2.C 由第一句对她的描述“energetic,attractive and full of life.”以及下文对她的描述可以看出她是一个乐观向上的(optimistic)人。

3.C 由下文“Shortly after moving in”,可以看出:她决定按孩子说的去做。decide to do“决定……”。

4.B 由下文的“协调社区内人们的各项活动”可知:她成了一个自己任命的活动指导员。director“主管”,这里指协调指导员。

5.B 由下文“made many friends”可以看出,她深受新社区人们的欢迎。

6.A 句意为:Thelma(来到新社区后)新交的朋友们为了表达他们对她的感激之情为她举办了一个令她惊喜的生日聚会。

7.C 由下文对他们举办的聚会盛大的规模、隆重的气氛的描述来看,appreciation(感激;感谢)更符合他们的心情。thanks(谢意;感谢)普通用语,不符合语境。

8.D 由上文的“entered the dining room”可以看出,她是来吃饭的。

9.C 主角来到派对现场,其他人应向她“致意”。greet意思是“向……致意”。

10.B 这是对生日聚会的描述,整个夜晚充满了笑声和欢乐。be filled with意思是“充满……的”。

11.C 由上文的laughter和and可以看出,只有entertainment符合语境,与laughter相匹配。

12.A 由17空后“by staring at you all night”,可以看出,她的眼睛一直没有离开这位先生。off意思是“离开……”。

13.B 聚会是发生在生日那一天的一个活动,显然是一次“庆祝会”。

14.D rise用作不及物动词,意思是“起身”。rise from her seat意思是“从她的座位上站起来”。而lift,raise是及物动词,stand表示“站起”时要和up连用。

15.C rush意思是“奔/冲过去”,由上文可知,整个晚上她对这个人产生了浓厚的兴趣,她的眼睛一直没有离开这位先生,一直盼着晚会结束和他聊聊,所以聚会一结束她就冲了过去,与前面的quickly相对应,表达出迫切的心情。

16.C 很显然,因为她盯了那个男士一整晚,所以要请求他原谅。

17.A 很明显,长时间被别人一直盯着的感觉应该是不舒服的(uncomfortable)。

18.B 我只是忍不住向您这边看。way“方向”。

19.D 冒味问一下,那你已经结过几次婚了?but(用来引入新话题)“那,可是”。

20.C Thelma脸上带着微笑。come across“出现于,出现在”。


15.________,people in the south like rice while people in the north like wheat.

A.In general            B.In common

C.To be honest          D.Worse still

答案与解析:A 句意:一般来说,南方人喜欢大米,北方人喜欢小麦。in general“一般来说”,符合语境。in common“共同地”;to be honest“诚实地”;worse still“糟糕地”。


14.-My best friend's in a bad mood.

-How about ________ her some flowers?

A.giving               B.given

C.to give              D.give

答案与解析:A 句意:“我最好的朋友心情不好。”“给她送些花怎么样?”how about或what about后面要跟动名词。


13.Nowadays,within a short walk along a busy street,you are ________ to find a chain store ________-a fast­food restaurant,a bakery,or a supermarket.

A.probable; some kinds

B.likely; of some kind

C.possible; some kind of

D.unlikely; some kind of

答案与解析:B 句意:现在在繁忙的街道上走不多远你可能就会发现某种连锁商店--一家快餐店,一家面包房或一家超市。sb. be likely to do sth.意思是“某人有可能做某事”。of some kind为后置定语,修饰a chain shore。


12.The newcomer is from Tibet,which I can tell from his


A.appearance           B.impression

C.temper              D.talent

答案与解析:A 句意:从他的外表我可以判断,这位新来者来自西藏。appearance是名词,意思是“外貌,外表”。


11.The peace talk broke down with no agreement ________.

A.reaching             B.to reach

C.reached              D.to be reached

答案与解析:C 句意:和谈破裂了,没有达成任何协议。在with复合结构中,reach与agreement为动宾关系,故用过去分词,表示被动意义。


10.It was ________ by the railway board that the cost of rail fares would be increased by ten percent.

A.noticed              B.stated

C.suggested            D.noted

答案与解析:B state在此处意为“宣布,通告,声明(口头的或书面的)”。suggest建议,从句中要用虚拟语气;note(=notice)“注意到”。

