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15. Rather than ______ on a crowded bus, he would ______ a bicycle.

A. ride; ride       B. riding; ride   C. ride; to ride        D. to ride; riding


14. These gymnasts, aiming ____ getting the first place in that important match, are training hard.

A. of            B. to            C. for           D. at


13. It was for this reason _____ my uncle moved out of Beijing and settled down in a small village.

A. which         B. why         C. that         D. for which


12. As to environmental protection, everybody can actually make a _________. For instance, saving water and classifying and recycling the daily waste in his or her home.

A. choice         B. decision       C. promise       D. difference


第一节:语法和词汇知识 (共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)

从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

11. _______ as he is, he knows quite a lot about the computer and the Internet.

  A. A child        B. Child         C. A young child   D. In his childhood


    One day when some people were rebuilding a barn,they found a mouse hole in a corner.So they used smoke  __1__  the mice to  come  out.A  while  later  they  indeed  saw  mice running out.

   Then,everyone thought that all the mice had escaped.But as they were just about to start to  __2__,they saw two mice  __3__  at the exit of the hole.The strange thing was that they did not run away   __4__.Instead,one chased after the other near the exit of the hole.

   Everyone was   __5__,so they stepped closer to take a look.They  __6__  that one of the mice was  __7__  and could not see anything,and the other one was trying to allow him to bite on his tail so they could escape  __8__.

   After  __9__  what had happened,everyone was speechless and  __10__.A smart Israeli said,“I think the relationship between those two mice is husband and wife.”The others thought for a while,and all felt it   __11__,so they expressed their agreement.Therefore,the expression on the Israeli's face showed  __12__.

   A Chinese,who was accustomed to the firm tradition of loyalty to   __13__,said:“I think the relationship between those two mice is that of mother and son.”__14__  the others thought for a while,and felt this was more reasonable.

   At that moment,one   __15__   Samaritan who was squatting(蹲)on the ground resting his chin in his palms,looked at other people,and asked,“Why do those two mice have to have a  __16__  relationship?”

   Suddenly,the atmosphere   __17__.Shocked,the group looked back at the Samaritan and remained  __18__.All the people who had spoken earlier all   __19__   their heads in shame,and did not dare to respond.

   In fact,the true love is not   __20__   benefit,friendship and loyalty or blood relationship.Instead,it is based on no relationship.

1.A.to invite             B.to force

C.to trap               D.to free

2.A.clean up             B.come up

C.make up              D.break up

3.A.holding out          B.escaping

C.coming out           D.squeezing

4.A.approximately        B.certainly

C.immediately           D.eventually

5.A.puzzled             B.moved

C.embarrassed            D.ashamed

6.A.recognized          B.knew

C.heard               D.realized

7.A.deaf             B.blind

C.dumb                   D.lame

8.A.separately           B.together

C.deliberately           D.accidentally

9.A.experiencing          B.promoting

C.witnessing            D.undergoing

10.A.lost face           B.lost in thought

C.lost heart              D.lost reason

11.A.made nothing        B.made up

C.made progress          D.made sense

12.A.self­esteem          B.self­confidence

C.self­consciousness       D.self­satisfaction

13.A.teachers            B.parents

C.leaders               D.relatives

14.A.Once again          B.Again and again

C.Once                 D.Over and over

15.A.strong­minded        B.pure­minded

C.absent­minded          D.simple­minded

16.A.certain              B.sure

C.accessible            D.characteristic

17.A.accumulated        B.boiled

C.froze                D.refreshed

18.A.speechless          B.harmless

C.hopeless             D.stainless

19.A.surrounded         B.put away

C.put up               D.lowered

20.tered on         B.concentrated on

C.established on         D.faced on



1.B 由下文的描述可以看出,他们在使用烟熏的方法迫使老鼠从洞里出来。所以选to force“强迫”。而不是诱骗(trap),邀请(invite),释放(free)它们。

2.A 由语境可知这些人熏跑老鼠的目的是翻新谷仓,所以在翻新前进行打扫(clean up),符合语境。其他几个选项均无此意。

3.D 其他的老鼠已经逃离,结合下文对这两只老鼠的描述可以看出,这里要表示“却见有两只老鼠在洞口处推挤”。所以只有squeeze能形象地描述出当时的情景。

4.C 下一句告诉我们“在洞口一只老鼠追逐着另外一只”,由此可以推断它们没有立即(immediately)逃走。approximately“近似,大约”;certainly“当然,一定,无疑”;eventually“最终,终于”,均不符合语境。

5.A 众人对这两只老鼠奇怪的表现(没有立即逃跑)都很纳闷,所以这四个词中只有puzzled(困惑的)符合语境。moved有很大的干扰性,但人们现在还不知道真相,所以应该排除。

6.D 这里强调一开始不知道,经过一段时间或一些事情后才逐步“意识到”,所以要选D,而recognize则强调从记忆的搜索中辨认出人、物、声音、方位等。

7.B 由下文的“could not see anything”可以看出,一只老鼠的眼睛是“瞎的”,所以选择blind。

8.B 可以看出,另一只正设法使对方咬住自己的尾巴,然后一起(together)逃走。而不是separately“单独地,分离地”;deliberately“故意地”;accidentally“偶然地”。

9.C 此处意为“目睹了这一切,众人都默然不语”。所以选C,意为“目击,目睹”。而experience“经历”;promote“促进”;undergo“经历,遭受”,均不符合句意。

10.B be lost in thought“陷入沉思”。lose face“丢脸”,lose heart“灰心丧气”,均不符合语境。

11.D 由下文的“expressed their agreement”可以看出,众人思考了一会儿后,觉得此人“言之有理”,所以选择make sense,意思是“讲得通,有意义”。

12.D 既然自己的观点得到了众人的认可,那么他当然感到自我满足,所以应该选择self­satisfaction(自满,沾沾自喜)。self­esteem“自尊,自信,自尊心”;self­confidence“自信”;self­consciousness“害羞,局促不安”。

13.B 由下文他的推断(mother and son)可以看出,这个中国人强调孝义,所以应该选择parents。

14.A 众人又思考了一会,觉得这个更合理。这里对应的是第一个人提出观点后众人的反应“thought for a while...”,所以这里选择Once again(再一次)。

15.B 由下文对这个Samaritan(撒玛利亚人)的描述以及他的观点可以看出,他是很单纯的。如果不注意上下文的语境考生很容易误选simple­minded(愚蠢的,头脑简单的)。

16.A certain在这里表示“某种”。由前面众人对这两只老鼠的关系做出的种种猜测,再结合下文的描述可以看出,这里要表达的意思是“为什么那两只老鼠一定要有某种关系呢?”

17.C 撒玛利亚人的一句话使大家感触颇深,因此这里的意思是:空气在刹那间凝固了,众人呆呆地望着这个撒玛利亚人,一语不发。故答案选C。

18.A 由本段第一句话以及空前的remained可以看出,应该选择speechless,意思是“无语的”。句意见上题解析。harmless“无害的,不致伤的”;hopeless“没有希望,不可救药的”;stainless“无污点的”,均不符合文意。

19.D lower“低下”,这里要表达的意思是:先前说话的人都面露惭色地低下头不敢作声。后面的“in shame”暗示了答案。

20.C 由语境可知,这里要表达的意思是:事实上,真正的爱并非一定要建立在利益、友情、孝义或血缘的关系上。下文“it is based on”有暗示。


15.I'm very glad to see that your vocabulary is gradually ________.

A.building up              B.turning up

C.coming up               D.waking up

答案与解析:A build up“增加”。句意:看到你的词汇量在逐渐增长,我很高兴。turn up“出现”;come up“出现,发生”;wake up“醒来”。

