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第一节 单项填空 (共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)。请将答案根据题号涂到答题卡上。

21. The teacher stressed again that the students should not ____ any important details while retelling the story.

A. bring out  B. make out  C. leave out  D. let out


第二节 听取信息(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)


1.    Linda Li is having an (16) ____________ .

2.    At first, there would be all sorts of odd jobs for Linda, such as doing the filing, (17) ____________ , and getting the sandwiches and that kind of stuff.

3.    Linda wants to be a corporate lawyer, because she is good at (18)____________.

4.    As a beginner, Linda thinks (19) ____________ and opportunity very important in that job.

5.    Mr. Robert tells Linda to take a couple of days to get settled there, and then come on Wednesday morning at (20) ____________.



  One way of preventing floods may be by making rain! This may sound rather 36. As we know, heavy rain is the 37 of floods, and in Malaysia, most of the 38 are caused by the annual monsoon (一年一度的季风), which brings heavy rain to the east coast. If, 39, the rain could be made 40 in the South China Sea, there would be 41 floods since the rain clouds would not reach the east coast.

Is it possible to make 42 give up their rain? Yes, it is.

As you 43 know, clouds are caused 44 air containing water-vapor. The air rises and, since water-vapor becomes water when it cools, very tiny drops of water are formed. Since these drops are very45, they float in the air and 46 a cloud. When the cloud rises, however, the drops become 47. Because of this, they 48 together and become big drops. The big drops are no longer able to float because of their 49, and they fall. As they 50, they pick up more drops and become bigger. This is the cause of rain.

Rain making 51 making these bigger drops form and fall 52 they would normally do so. This can be done by “seeding” the clouds with chemicals,  53 planting seeds in the ground. Rain can be produced 54 by three chemicals. The seeding is done by 55 which fly through the clouds. 36. A. wonderful        B. strange          C. interesting      D. terrible 37. A. cause            B. course          C. way           D. means 38. A. floods            B. cloud            C. snow          D. rain 39. A. and           B. so              C. however      D. then 40. A. to become         B. to change       C. to rise        D. to fall  41. A. no longer        B. no more         C. hardly        D. still 42. A. air           B. water          C. clouds          D. floods 43. A. surely           B. probably       C. never           D. seldom 44. A. by          B. of            C. with         D. for 45. A. big              B. small          C. wet           D. dry 46. A. form            B. change         C. meet          D. bring 47. A. hotter           B. warmer          C. colder        D. lighter 48. A. appear           B. join             C. fall            D. make 49. A. size             B. length           C. color          D. height 50. A. float            B. form            C. fall           D. rise 51. A. means          B. suggests        C. shows          D. needs 52. A. after            B. until            C. before         D. when 53. A. as              B. like          C. with           D. for 54. A. by the way           B. in a way        C. in this way   D. on the way 55. A. machines            B. tractors         C. boats         D. planes 


35. ----- I quarreled with my deskmate yesterday. It’s all my fault.

  ----- Look, she is just over there.     --go and say sorry to her.

A. You know the drill    B. Believe it or not    C. To be exact    D. Cheer up

