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We may look at the world around us, but somehow we manage not to see it until whatever we've become used to suddenly disappears.  41 , for example, the neatly-dressed woman I  42  to see -- or look at -- on my way to work each morning.

  For three years, no matter  43  the weather was like, she was always waiting at the bus stop around 8:00 a.m. On  44  days, she wore heavy clothes and a pair of woolen gloves. Summertime  45  out neat, belted cotton dresses and a hat pulled low over her sunglasses.  46 , she was an ordinary working woman. Of course, I  47  all this only after she was seen no more. It was then that I realized how  48  I expected to see her each morning. You might say I  49  her.

“Did she have an accident? Something  50 ?” I thought to myself about her  51 .  Now that she was gone, I felt I had  52  her. I began to realize that part of our  53  life probably includes such chance meetings with familiar  54 : the milkman you see at dawn, the woman who  55  walks her dog along the street every morning, the twin brothers you see at the library. Such people are  56  markers in our lives. They add weight to our  57 of place and belonging.

Think about it.  58  while walking to work, we mark where we are by  59  a certain building, why should we not mark where we are when we pass a familiar, though  60  person?

41. A. Make        B. Take      C. Give         D. Have

42. A. happened     B. wanted       C. used         D. tried

43. A. what         B. how       C. which      D. when

44. A. sunny        B. rainy      C. cloudy      D. snowy

45. A. took                       B. brought        C. carried      D. turned

46. A. Clearly        B. Particularly     C. Luckily      D. Especially

47. A. believed       B. expressed      C. remembered    D. wondered

48. A. long                       B. often         C. soon           D. much

49. A. respected     B. missed       C. praised      D. admired

50. A. better        B. worse       C. more        D. less

51. A. disappearance   B. appearance     C. misfortune    D. fortune

52. A. forgotten     B. lost        C. known        D. hurt

53. A. happy        B. enjoyable      C. usual         D. daily

54. A. friends                      B. strangers       C. tourists          D. guests

55. A. regularly     B. actually     C. hardly      D. probably

56. A. common       B. pleasant      C. important     D. faithful

57. A. choice        B. knowledge     C. decision       D. sense

58. A. Because       B. If         C. Although       D. However

59. A. keeping      B. changing      C. passing       D. mentioning

60. A. unnamed       B. unforgettable                    C. unbelievable        D. unreal


40.  He turns a deaf ear to his parents, _____ many times they have pointed out his weaknesses.

    A. whatever          B. whichever      C. however      D. whenever


39.  If you _____ her, we _____ out what was happening.

    A. didn’t phone; would never found       B. hadn’t phoned; would never find

    C. didn’t phone; would never have found   D. hadn’t phoned; would never have found


38.  Could you show me the mobile phone you’d like _____?

    A. to have repaired     B. repairing it     C. having it repaired    D. to repair it


37.  -Jenny hasn’t come yet.

    -How strange! She _____.

    A. could            B. should        C. should have           D. might


36. - Have you been to Australia?

- Yes, only once. I ____ there only for seven days.

 A. have stayed       B. was staying   C. stayed        D. had stayed


35.  All the high schools in this area are well-equipped and all the students and teachers have very easy _____ to the Internet.

A. way             B. access        C. methods          D. road


34.  It’ll be 3 days _____ he _____ back from his hometown.

    A. when; will come        B. after; will come C. since; comes       D. before; comes


33.  -I’ll be home late tonight.

-Well, _____, I won’t cook dinner.

A. in that case        B. if not         C. as it is            D. with this


32.  The famous film star looked so handsome in his new clothes that we took _____ pictures of him. 

    A. many of          B. masses of      C. a great deal of      D. a plenty of

