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32.     , his idea was accepted by most of the members of the group.

   A. As strange it might sound              B. Strange as it might sound 

   C. As it might sound strange                D. Strange as might sound


31. After ten years’ hard work, Mr. Johnson was      manager of the famous company.

   A. distributed  B. appointed  C. dominated      D. confirmed


30. The newcomer is an active and      man and full of enormous     .

  A. powerful; energy         B. power; energetic

   C. power; energy            D. powerful; energetic


29. Great changes have taken place in that school. It is no longer_____ it was 20 years ago ,_____ it was so poorly equipped.

  A. what; when    B. that; which   C. what; which    D. which; that


28. He knew the files could be of help to _____ took over the job.

  A. whomever     B. whoever     C.whichever     D. who


27. One advantage of playing the guitar is _______ it can give you a great deal of pleasure.

  A. how       B. why       C. that      D. when


26. ______ Tom to be fit for the office, the boss ______ taking him on.

  A. Consider, considered        B. Considering, considering

  C. Considering, considered       D. Considered, considering


25. _________  fun it is to play bungee at the top of the skyscraper!

A. How         B. What a     C. What      D. How a  


24._______caused the accident is still a complete mystery.

A. What      B. That      C. How       D .Where 


23. --How about eight o’clock outside the cinema?

-That _______me fine.  

A. fits       B. suits      C .meets      D. satisfies.

