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29. The old man would sell his car for 2 000 dollars, but the young lady ______ 1.5 thousand dollars.

  A. offered     B. sold      C. asked        D. charged


28. Today’s Australia consists of people from different cultural backgrounds, ________, it has developed into a diverse society.

     A. on the other hand          B. at the same time    C. on one hand    D. that is to say


27. --I’m sorry I’m late. I _______ in the traffic on my way here.

--Never mind. Come and sit down.

A. was held out       B. got held up       C. got held on           D. was held back


26. At the end of the meeting, all present were_______ to make every effort for the successful celebration of the 100th anniversary of the school. 

A. guaranteed       B. demanded       C. required              D. suggested


25. The earlier settlers learned to farm the land through ______ and error.

A. test              B. trial             C. experiment           D. try


24. The moment she heard of the news that her son was involved in the crime, she _______ pale.

A. went              B. got              C. changed              D. appeared


23. – Would you like to join us?

-- How many people are ______ your basketball team?

A. for           B. at             C. in                  D. from


第一节    单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

21. Most of the teenagers take ________ delight in playing football after a day of study at school and they say it is ________ delight to make some new friends in this way.

A. /; a               B. a; /              C. the; a                D. a; the

suggested that most interviewers ________ limiting the time spent on the Internet would be fundamental _______ their eyesight.

A. say; to improving  B. say; to improve   C. said; for improving    D. said; to improving




6. When did the woman go to see Kate?  

A. Two or several days ago.           B. A week ago.                    C. Two weeks ago.

7. What do we know about Kate?  

A. She's too busy to see a doctor.    B. The doctor's advice does her no good.

C. She hasn't got well though she saw a doctor.

8. Who will go to see Kate?  

A. The man.                        B. Both of the speakers.           C. The woman.


9. What are they talking about? 

A. Buying the game tickets.    B. Watching the NBA game.  C. Watching a dance performance.

10. Why should they get there a little earlier?  

A. Because they can get a better seat.  B. Because they can avoid the traffic jam.

C. Because they can watch a warm-up.

11. When will they get there?  

A. 6:15.                            B. 6:45.                          C. 6:50.


12. Who are the two speakers?  

A. Husband and wife.               B. Student and teacher.            C. Brother and sister.

13. What does the man usually do in the weekend?  

A. Have a picnic.                   B. Watch football games.          C. Meet with friends.

14. Why is the man unsatisfied with their friend?  

A. They invite too many friends over.    B. They seldom go out for a picnic.

C. They seldom spend the weekends together.


15. Why does Julia want to leave her present job?  

A. She does not like the job.      B. She wants to do something different.

C. She wants to travel and teach English.

16. What can we learn from the dialogue?  

A. Julia will move out of London.    B. Tom will refuse to let Julia leave.

C. Julia will go abroad soon.

17. Who is Tom?  

A. Julia's husband.                  B. Julia's brother.                  C. Julia's boss.


18. When did the man most probably lose his wallet?  

A. When he was having dinner.      B. When he walked into the restaurant.

C. When he was ordering his dish.

19. Why was the man in a hurry?  

A. Because he had to meet his doctor.   B. Because he wanted to report to the police.

C. Because he had to go to the bank.

20. What was the man's biggest worry?  

A. He lost his ID card.         B. He couldn't pay for the dinner.

C. He got a lot of people included in his problem.



例:How much is the shirt?

     A.£19.15.        B.£9.15.           C.£9.18.     答案是B。

1. Why did the woman get a ticket?  

A. She parked in the wrong place.  B. She drove too fast.      C. She made a wrong turn.

2. Who's Jenny?  

A. She is a student.                 B. She is a teacher.                  C. She is a doctor.

3. Where are the two speakers?  

A. In a classroom.                 B. In a book store.                  C. In a post office.

4. What do we know about the woman?  

  A. She has been ill for a few months.  B. She isn't worried about the exam.

C. She is self-confident.

5. Where did this conversation probably take place?  

A. In a restaurant.                    B. At a theatre.                  C. At a hospital.

