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35.--- You’re going to publish my book.Are you serious?

   ---      .It’s to be published next month.

    A.No, I am not                    B.No, I was just joking

    C.Yes, I do                       D.Yes, I have never been more serious


34.-Where is my dictionary? I remember I put it here yesterday.

   -You   it in the wrong place.

    A.must put       B.should have put   C.might put      D.might have put


33.I’m afraid I’ve little time to spare these days.I’ve a pile of papers to     before the meeting.

    A.get through     B.put on         C.set up          D.send for


32.--- What do you think made Catha so happy?

   ---     a prize in the recent competition.

    A.Winning                       B.Won         

    C.As she won                     D.Because of winning.


31.I don't like the way   he often uses to speak to me.

    A.in which                     B.how         C.which      D.what


30.--- Do the Smiths live next door to you?

   --- No, but they      

    A.used to         B.used to do      C.used to doing    D.used to be


29.     , you’ll never be able to persuade him.

    A.However hard may you try          B.Try however hard you may

    C.However hard you may try          D.Try hard however you may


28.--- He’s got our tickets.

   --- That’s good I     afraid that he     them.

    A.am; has forgotten                  B.was; had forgotten

    C.was; forget                      D.am; will forget


27.He is said to ____ to his country because a new president comes into power.

    A.be allowed to return             B.allow to return

    C.allow returning               D.be allowed returning


26.I know nothing about the match     I read in the newspaper.

    A.besides         B.expect         C.except that      D.except what

