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6. He ______ _______ _____ ________(听不懂)him as he spoke too fast.


5. 他喜欢这个国家,尤其是在春天时。He likes the country, ____________ in spring



I could’t have done it _________ _________ ____________.


3.阳光有利于植物的生长。Sunshine is __________ _______ plants.



His _________ _______school made his teacher very angry.



Children are finding it difficult to ___________ ______ their new school.


1.The theatre has very good access for the __________ (残疾人)

2The school __________(箴言)is “ Never lose hope.’

3 Sunshine is ____________ (有益的) plants.

4 He frowns when he is ____________(颇为生气的)

5 The terrible traffic explains his _____________ (缺席)

6 He g____________ from high school and went to a key university last year.

7 You must ____________ (使适应) yourself to new environment.

8 Money m_____________ nothing to her .

9 Mary is going to ___________ (辞职) from the board of directors.

10 I ____________ (祝贺) you on your election.

11 I couldn’t have done it without your ____________ ( 鼓舞)

12 One of her a___________ is to become a doctor.

13 She went on holiday alone – she’s very i_____________.

14 The emergency e_____________ is at the back of the building.

15You can’t rely on his ____________ (帮助)

16 In our school, every student has free a___________ to the library.

17 It will be h___________ to have a cell phone with you.


20.He has devoted himself __ mankind.

  1. to benefit      B. benefiting     C. to benefiting     D. benefited


19. –Ken, why do you look so tired? 

--I _______ myself ______ the climate since I came here.

A.hadn’t adapted; to             B. haven’t adapted; to

C. don’t adapt; from             D. didn’t adapt; from


18. Jenny refused to act as a beggar in the play because was afraid of ___.

A. making fun of     B. laughing at      C. being made fun of   D. being laughed 

