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8. She pretended _______ me when I passed by.  A. not to see   B. not seeing   C. to not see  D. having not seen


6. The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but his mother told him ______.  A. not to  B. not to do  C. not do it  D. do not to


5. The sitting-room needs _______, but it’ll have to wait until Saturday.

 A. be cleaning   B. to be cleaned   C. clean    D. being cleaned


4. Li Yang advised me _________ too much, otherwise I would have been drunk.

A. not to drink   B. to drink   C. not drinking   D. drinking


3. The first thing I want to do is __________.

 A. visit to him   B. to visit him   C. visiting him   D. visited him


Marty has a _______ disease. Sometimes he is ________ and drop things or bump into furniture. Gradually, he has learned to _______ to his _________. He doesn’t look different from others. So sometimes he is ________at when he gets out of breath after running.Every time after a long _____ from school, he feels _____because he is behind others.When some persons can’t see the real person inside his body, he doesn’t get______,he just ______ them. He has a good life. He can do _______ in writing and computer programming. He intends to work in the computer ______, which is his______. His disability has made him more _______.He says “just having a disability doesn’t meanyour life is not _______.” He suggests the people should give _________ to the disabled.


1.The chair looks very old, but in fact it is very comfortable to _________.

A. sit        B. sit on     C. be sat     D. be sat on


10.Don’t _______ _______ _____ (取笑)the disabled people.


9.My father had no _________ ______(接近,进入…方法,途径) education.


8.He stressed the point _____ __________(特别地).


7. _______ _______(每次) he come to Beijing, he will visit Great Wall.

