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15.We must ________ the meat before making dumplings.

A.cut down      B.cut up      C.cut in       D.cut off

答案 B

解析 cut up切碎;cut down砍倒;削减;cut in插话,插入;cut off切断。句意为:我们在包饺子前必须把肉切碎。


14.It ________ have been Tom that parked the car here,as he is the only one with a car.

A.may       B.can        C.must      D.should

答案 C

解析 由后句“因为他是唯一有车的人”可知,这是一个非常肯定的推测,故用must。A、B两项是并非十分肯定的推测;而should have done是“本应该做某事而实际未做”,不合题意。


13.If you are found ________ in the schoolyard,you ________ by the teachers.

A.smoking;are blamed          B.smoke;are punished

C.smoking;are to blame          D.smoking;are to punish

答案 C


12.She always goes swimming throughout the year,________ cold it is.

A.however     B.whenever     C.whatever     D.wherever

答案 A

解析 句意为:不管天气有多冷,她一年四季都会去游泳。疑问词+ever引导让步状语从句。从句中缺少一个修饰形容词cold的程度副词,所以选A项however,表示“无论多么……”。


11.In my opinion,what he told us just now about the affair simply doesn’t make any ________.

A.idea        B.meaning     C.sense       D.point

答案 C

解析 此题考查名词的辨析。idea主意,想法;meaning意义,含义,意图;[逻]内涵;sense感觉,判断力;见识;意义;理智;point点,尖端;分数;要点。此处make sense为固定词组搭配,意为“有意义;讲得通”。


10.Bad habits are easily________ while good ones are hard to develop.

A.kept up      B.caught up    C.drawn up      D.picked up

答案 D

解析 句意为:坏习惯很容易养成,但好习惯却很难形成。pick up在句中意思为“(偶然)得到,学会,听到”等。keep up保持;catch up赶上;draw up起草,草拟。


9.The ________ house smells as if it hasn’t been lived in for years.

A.little white wooden         B.little wooden white

C.white wooden little          D.wooden white little

答案 A


8.The sailors returned twenty days later,________.

A.felt ill,tired and unhappy

B.illness,tiredness and unhappiness

C.feeling ill,tiresome and unhappy

D.ill,tired and unhappy

答案 D

解析 形容词作伴随状语,表明主语的情况或所处的状态。句中指水手回来后的情况是The sailors were ill,tired and unhappy.,选项A使用动词的过去式很明显不对;B项均使用名词也不正确;C项中tiresome相当于tiring是说明性质特征的,意为“令人困倦的,令人厌烦的”。

