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3.Although the teacher did not mention any names,everybody knew who he was ________.

A.attending to               B.turning to

C.referring to              D.talking to

答案 C

解析 考查动词词组辨析。attend to专心,注意;照顾;turn to转向,变成;求助于;致力于;refer to查阅;提到,谈到;打听;talk to sb.找某人谈话。


2.After he was knocked down by a bike,he was badly hurt and had to ________ to his feet.

A.stand       B.struggle      C.run      D.sit

答案 B 

解析 struggle to one’s feet挣扎着站起来,为固定短语。


第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


1.________ be sent to the stricken area?

A.Who do you suggest

B.Who do you suggest that should

C.Do you suggest who should

D.Do you suggest whom should

答案 A

解析 do you suggest作插入语,疑问代词who应位于句首,C、D两项语序错误,suggest后的宾语从句常用虚拟语气,谓语动词形式为“(should+)动词原形”,故选A项;B项中that是多余的。


第二节 书面表达(满分25分)


词汇:三包three guarantees




One day I bought a pair of leather shoes in a shoe shop.And the seller there told me that he would have “three guarantees” for the shoes.I left the shop happily.But only four days later the shoes were worn out.So I returned to the shop hoping to get back my money.I told the seller what had happened to my shoes.When he knew I had bought the shoes for four days,he refused,which made me surprised.I asked him why he didn’t keep his promise.But the seller said,“Do you understand what the ‘three guarantees’ means?It means the shoes can only be guaranteed for three days!”

What a foolish but tricky explanation to the “three guarantees”!


第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)







It is five years now since I from No.3 High School.Last Saturday, the class that I was held a get­together,which took us a long time prepare.It was indeed not easy to get in the\  touch with everybody and set a time for all of us.We all enjoyed this precious day greatly, the time we spent together and the people were familiar with.It was a pity some of us were not present as they had gone to\  abroad for further studies,but they called back or sent greeting from different places.

