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15.If you________first aid correctly,the man would be saved.

A.gave  B.do  C.knew  D.took

答案 A

解析 句意为:如果你正确地进行急救,这个人会被救活。give/do/offer first aid实施急救,根据语境知应该用过去时态,故选A项。


14.The old man is silent and hard________.

A.to get close to   B.to stand close to

C.getting close to  D.getting closely to

答案 A

解析 句意为:这位老人沉默寡言并且很难接近。主语+be+adj.+to do(不定式主动);get close to sb.接近某人,故选A项。


13.It was his perseverance as well as his self­confidence________helped him survive the earthquake.

A.which  B.why  C.that  D./

答案 C

解析 句意为:是他的毅力和自信使他在地震中幸免于难。本句是个强调句型,故选C项。


12.-Why are you covering your face with that cloth?

-I don’t want my face________by the hot sunlight.

A.being burning  B.to burn

C.getting burnt  D.to get burnt

答案 D

解析 want sb./sth.to do sth.想让某人/某物干……;get burnt晒伤,故选D项。


11.Since the players are used to such rainy weather,it shouldn’t make a ________ to the football game.

A.difficulty  B.difference

C.trouble   D.contribution

答案 B

解析 句意为:既然运动员们都习惯了这样的雨天,对于足球赛应该没有影响。make a difference产生影响,有关系。


10.The number of people applying for the job________fifty,but a number of them________not accepted for various reasons.

A.were;was  B.was;was

C.was;were  D.were;were

答案 C

解析 the number of...……的数量,谓语动词用单数,而a number of...许多,大量……,谓语动词用复数,故选C项。


9.-I hope the result of the exams had not been told to us.

-________,why did you come here to see our teacher?

A.If what      B.If so       C.If only      D.If not

答案 B

解析 句意为:--我希望考试的结果还没通知我们。--如果那样的话,你为什么那时来这里看老师?if so如果那样的话;if only要是……该多好;if not如果不的话,故选B项。


8.I have decided that I would not attend her birthday party________.

A.if inviting    B.when inviting   C.unless invited  D.while invited

答案 C

解析 句意为:我已经决定了,除非被邀请,否则我不会参加她的生日宴会。故选C项。


7.With everything needed________,she declared that the party began.

A.in the place      B.taking place    C.out of place     D.in place

答案 D

解析 in place在正确的位置,现成的;out of place在错误的位置,位置不合适;take place发生,故选D项。


6.-What’s wrong with your left arm?

-A bee has bitten it and it is________.

A.swelled up   B.swelling down  C.swelling up  D.swelled down

答案 C

解析 句意为:--你的左臂怎么了?--被蜜蜂蛰了,它肿了起来。swell up膨胀,肿胀。

