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15.He can speak English,German,French and Japanese.He is nearly a man with a(an)________for languages.

A.gift    B.present

C.ability   D.wish

答案 A

解析 句意为:他会说英语、德语、法语和日语。他是一个对语言有天赋的人。have a gife for...对……有天赋;a man with a gift for...对……有天赋的人。


14.-It’s a long way to go!We must take a taxi.

-________for a taxi.The underground can save money.

A.No use   B.No wonder

C.No need   D.No problem

答案 C

解析 句意为:没有必要打的,地铁可以节省钱。no use没用;no wonder难怪;no need没有必要;no problem没问题。


13.Jack sent for a doctor after we met with the accident.________I stayed there with the injured old woman.

A.Meanwhile  B.However

C.Furthermore  D.Therefore

答案 A

解析 句意为:杰克在我们遇到事故后派人去叫医生,而我则陪着那位受伤的老人。


12.Our government________the measures put forward by some experts at the meeting and decided to carry them out at once to prevent further air pollution in this area.

A.agreed       B.approved

C.absorbed      D.allowed

答案 B

解析 approve批准;通过;赞成;agree to/with/on sth.同意……,在……上达成一致;absorb吸收;吸取;吸引;allow允许,准许。句意为:为了阻止这个地区空气的进一步污染,政府批准了会上一些专家提出的措施并且决定立即实施。

