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15.Don’t take ________for granted that we can learn English well by remembering some words amd phrases.

A.what  B.this  C.that  D.it

答案 D

解析 take...for granted表示“视某事为理所当然的”,为固定搭配,这里it为形式宾语,后边that引导的从句为真正的宾语。


14.- Mom,I am taking part in the poem reading contest to be held tomorrow.I feel a little nervous.

- ________.

A.That’s all right  B.Take it easy

C.Help yourself  D.Take your time

答案 B

解析 此题是对交际用语的考查。由所给的语境“I feel a little nervous”可知,此处应回答“Take it easy.”,表示“别紧张,放松”。而D项用来表示“慢慢来,时间来得及,不用着急”。


13.- What can I do for you,sir?

- I’d like to ________ my RMB for US dollars,please.

A.switch  B.exchange  C.transform  D.charge

答案 B

解析 此题考查动词的辨析。exchange作动词时意为“交换”;还可以表示“(货币的)兑换”,句中是表示“把人民币兑换成美元”。而switch意为“转换,转变”;transform意为“转化;改造”;charge作动词时,意为“控诉;收费”,都不符合题意。故正确答案为B。


12.________ these spelling mistakes,I would have got a full mark in my English examination.

A.Because of  B.But for

C.In case of  D.In spite of

答案 B

解析 此处是对短语的考查。由后面的“would have got a full mark”可知,此处是表示与过去事实相反的虚拟语气。because of意为“因为”;in case of意为“假设,万一”;in spite of意为“不管”;but for...意为“要不是……”,这四个短语中只有but for可用于表示虚拟语气的情况,故正确答案为B。


11.We love many kinds of music,such as light music and classical music,but we love pop music ________.

A.apart from  B.on the one hand

C.in particular  D.other than

答案 C

解析 此题是对短语的考查。in particular意为“尤其,特别”。句意为:我们喜欢许多种音乐,如轻音乐和古典乐,但是我们特别喜爱的是流行音乐。而apart from意为“除……之外,此外”;on the one hand意为“一方面”;other than意为“除了,不同于”,均不符合语境。故正确答案为C。


10.Generally speaking,the more you study,the more questions you will think of ________.

A.to ask  B.asking

C.to be asked  D.asked

答案 A

解析 此题是对句子结构的考查。第二分句中的“you will think of”为定语从句,修饰限制questions,to ask在此作目的状语。句意为:一般说来,你学的越多,你想起来要问的问题就越多。故正确答案为A。


9.I would have come for the lecture given by Professor Lee the day before yesterday,but I ________.

A.am not invited  B.wasn’t invited

C.haven’t been invited  D.wouldn’t be invited

答案 B

解析 此题是对时态的考查。but前面的句子是表示与过去事实相反的虚拟语气。but后面所陈述的是过去的情况。故正确答案为B。


8.- Hello,this is Tom’s mother.I have no idea why my son is in bad emotion recently.

-Oh!Sorry to hear that.I will find a (n) ________ chance to talk with him.

A.permanent  B.controversial

C.consequent  D.appropriate

答案 D

解析 此题是对形容词的考查。permanent意为“永久的,持久的”;controversial意为“争论的,争议的”;consequent表示“随之发生的”;appropriate意为“合适的,恰当的”,题干中是要表达“找一个合适的机会和他谈谈”,故正确答案为D。


7.Although ________ about fatness,she still has confidence in her performance of daily life.

A.teased  B.teasing  C.tease  D.to tease

答案 A

解析 此题是对省略句的考查。be teased about sth.表示“被拿某事取笑”,本句可以还原为“Although she is teased about fatness,she still...”,此处由于前后主语一致,所以把前面的she is省略了。故正确答案为A。

