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15.Why don’t you put the meat in the fridge?It will________fresh for several days.

A.be stayed  B.stay

C.be staying  D.have stayed

答案 B

解析 stay在此处是系动词,后加形容词作表语。该词用作系动词时,无被动语态和进行时。


14.I would appreciate it________you call back this afternoon for the doctor’s appointment.

A.until  B.if  C.when  D.that

答案 B

解析 I would appreciate it if...是固定句型,表示“如果……,我将不胜感激”。


13.It is in Oxford University________he studied for 4 years________he got his graduate student degree.

A.that;that  B.that;where

C.where;that  D.where;when

答案 C

解析 第一个空所填的词在“he studied for 4 years”中作地点状语,故应用where;第二个空所填的词与前边的It is...构成强调句型。

