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14.Few people know the fact________was not until 1936 that basketball became a regular part of the Olympic Games.

A.it that  B.that it  C.that  D.it

答案 B

解析 分析句子结构是做对该题的关键,the fact后的句子是对fact内容的进一步解释,是同位语从句,语意完整,用that引导,而且that不可省略;由句中“not until 1936 that...”可知是not...until结构的强调句型,应是it was not until...that,故选B。


13.-The project has been held up by a sudden change in temperature for a week.

-I’m afraid the terrible weather will________for some time.

A.keep back  B.keep up

C.keep out  D.keep on

答案 B

解析 考查动词词组意思辨析。A项keep back“扣下(一部分钱);忍住,抑制住”;B项keep up“持续;保持”;C项keep out“禁止入内”;D项keep on“继续(做);继续留用”,只有B项符合语意。


12.-Can you come to help us with our work by 5 o’clock?

-I don’t know if I can help;________.

A.that’s a pity  B.it all depends

C.you are welcome  D.that’s a pleasure

答案 B

解析 考查情境交际英语。答语句意为:“我不知道我能否帮上忙,一切得看情况来定。”It all depends“不一定;看情况而定”,其他选项不合语境。


11.With China’s policy of reform and opening to the outside world,the city has had________growth in the number of international tourists over the past two decades.

A.abstract  B.solid  C.fragile  D.steady

答案 D

解析 考查形容词的词义辨析。steady“平稳的,持续的”。句意为:……,在过去的20年里国际游客人数有了稳定增长。A项abstract“抽象的”;B项solid“固体的;可靠的”;C项fragile“易碎的;脆弱的”。


10.China should become a global leader in energy efficiency by 2050________nuclear power is likely to account for at least half of the country’s energy.

A.on which  B.that

C.when  D.for that

答案 C

解析 句意为:到2050年中国会在有效利用能源方面成为全球的领导人物,那时,核能至少可能占这个国家能源的一半。先行词在定语从句中作时间状语,所以用when来引导。


9.During the festival the town holds________traditional activities including temple fairs(庙会)to bring tourists back to scenes of ancient times.

A.a collection of  B.a range of

C.a kind of  D.a bunch of

答案 B

解析 考查词组意义的辨析。a range of“一系列”,此处是表示“举办了一系列的传统活动”。A项a collection of“一群(人);一批(物品)”;D项a bunch of“一束;一串;一堆”,不合题意。


8.________it seems to make sense,but if you think about it,the rule misses the point.

A.At first glance  B.At the first glance

C.In first glance  D.In the first glance

答案 A

解析 句意为:乍一看它讲得通,但如果你考虑一下,(你会发现)这规则让人不理解。at first glance“乍一看”,固定词组。


7.Our efforts resulted________failure.I think I’m also responsible________it.

A.in;to  B.from;to  C.in;for  D.from;for

答案 C

解析 考查介词。result in...导致,造成;be responsible for...有责任;对……负责。


6.I ________ this man with receiving stolen goods.

A.accused  B.scold  C.charge  D.blame

答案 C

解析 charge sb.with sth.“控告某人犯……罪行”;accuse sb.of sth.“指控某人犯……罪”。


5.The view________many scientists hold is________too much emission of carbon dioxide is destructive.

A.which;which  B.that;that

C.that;which  D.what;that

答案 B

解析 第一个空填that,引导定语从句,第二个空的that引导表语从句,此时的that不能省略。

