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Some boys join the Navy when they are young. They are then given a  36  of training as sailors. It is a long course, both on land and at sea. During it, the boys study things  37  mathematics and science,   learning to tie the knots (打结), fire guns and to  38  other practical things.

    One of the important things they are taught is, of course, how to swim. In the old days, many sailors were unable to swim.

    At one school for sailors, the swimming instructor was very good. He had  39   had a boy whom he had  failed to teach to swim by the time the course was  40  . One year, however, there was one  41   boy on the training course who seemed quite unable to learn to  42  . The instructor tried giving him extra lessons, but he had no  43   at all, whatever he did. In the end,  44   the time drew near for the  45   to end, he had to admit failure.

    One day, he called the boy to him after the swimming lesson and said to him, “John, I have tried very hard to teach you to swim, but I have failed for the first time in my life. Now I want to give you a(n)  46  . Listen carefully.”

“Yes, sir,” answered the boy. “Well,” the instructor  47  , “if you are ever in a ship and it  48 , just jump over the side into the sea, go right down to the bottom and  49  to the shore as fast as you can. That is the only 50  you will save your life.”

36.A.book         B.way             C.lesson        D.course

37.A.as well as     B.such  as          C.in addition to  D.instead of

38.A.teach         B.finish               C.do          D.watch

39.A.often         B.never            C.always       D.once

40.A.started       B.given            C.ended        D.taken

41.A.particular      B.interesting         C.clever        D.unknown

42.A.work        B.swim            C.fire         D.sail

43.A.pressure       B.worry            C.surprise      D.success

44.A.as          B.if              C.so           D.though

45.A.school       B.year            C.training      D.swimming

46.A.plan         B.suggestion         C.idea         D.word

47.A.tried out      B.broke off         C.gave up       D.went on

48.A.sails         B.knocks           C.breaks        D.sinks

49.A.run          B.walk             C.swim         D.connect

50.A.skill         B.situation         C.way         D.thing


35. When people cut down big trees, new trees should be planted. _______, they will have no trees to cut down in the future.

A. If not               B. If so          C. If no so           D. If don’t


34. In fact, you _________ go outside at all. There’s a supermarket just downstairs.

A. couldn’t          B. mustn’t       C. needn’t           D. shouldn’t


33. Auckland is the most exciting city with people of many different cultures    there.

A. 1ive            B. having lived       C. 1ived         D. living


32. Around our school________ different kinds of flowers and trees.

A. growing          B. grow            C. grown      D. grows


31. I should have bought the beautiful vase, but I ____________enough money. 

A. didn’t have         B. don’t have     C. haven’t had            D. hadn’t had


30. The ability of keeping calm is one of her many ________.

A. advantages         B. strengths      C. points             D. manners


29. Do you think the company is rich enough to ______ me for my school's campaign for Help the Aged?

A. sponsor           B. influence      C. witness            D. value


28. He was very busy yesterday, otherwise he ________ to the meeting.

A. would come    B. had come      C. came        D. would have come

