
 0  310573  310581  310587  310591  310597  310599  310603  310609  310611  310617  310623  310627  310629  310633  310639  310641  310647  310651  310653  310657  310659  310663  310665  310667  310668  310669  310671  310672  310673  310675  310677  310681  310683  310687  310689  310693  310699  310701  310707  310711  310713  310717  310723  310729  310731  310737  310741  310743  310749  310753  310759  310767  447348 

35.It is almost five years     we saw each other last time.

A.before       B.since           C.after            D.when


34.Frank put the medicine in a top drawer to make sure it would not be    to the kids.

A.accessible     B.relative         C.acceptable        D.sensitive


33.First impressions are the most lasting. After all, you never get    second chance to make     first impression.

A.a; the       B.the; the         C.a; a             D.the; a


32.Bill wasn’t happy about the delay of the report by Jason, and    .

A.I was neither                   B. neither was I    

C.I was either                   D. either was I


31.     you may have, you should gather your courage to face the challenge.

A.However a serious problem        B.What a serious problem           

C.However serious a problem        D.What serious a problem           


30.It remains     whether Jim will be fit enough to play in the finals.

A.seen   B.to be seen             C.seeing         D.to see

