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25. He was ready to take the________ of being drowned himself to save the drowning child.

A.risk         B.trouble      C.offer      D.blame


24.Once you have become _______ to cigarette smoking or alcohol, it is hard to _______it even though you try hard.

A. used; get away with    B. addicted; get rid of 

C. adapted; get down to   D. accustomed; get off


23.I found it very difficult to get ________up so early before, but I did finally_________.

A.used to getting;   managed

B.accustomed to getting;manage

C.used to get;     managed

D.accustomed to get;  to manage


22.The old man said the accident________ careless driving

A.was due to     B. due to       C.is due to    D.has due to    


21. I don’t think _________ is possible to master a foreign language without much memory work.

A. this             B. that         C. it             D. its




6.  Who will go to see Kate?

  A. The man.     B. The woman.    C. The doctor.

7.  What do we know about Kate?

  A. She hasn’t recovered yet..

  B. She’s too busy to see a doctor.

  C. The doctor’s advice does her no good.


8.  How often does the woman call her aunt?

  A. Once a week.    B. Twice a month.   C. Once a month

9.  What does the man advise the woman to do?

  A. To make a phone call to her aunt.

  B. To send e-mail through the internet.

  C. To buy a new computer.

10. What does the woman ask the man to help her do?

  A. To help her to surf the internet.

  B. To help her to repair her computer.

  C. To help her to repair her cell phone.


11. Why didn’t Gloria listen to the man?

  A. She was reading something.

  B. There was too much noise.

  C. She was thinking of something.

12. Who is always criticizing Gloria?

  A. Her mother.     B. Her mother-in-law.  C. Her husband.

13. What is the man’s advice?

  A. The woman should respect old people.

  B. The woman can ask an adviser for help.

  C. The woman should talk with her husband.


14. Where does the conversation take place?

A. Over the phone.   B. In Jane’s house.   C. Through the internet.

15. Where is the woman living now?

A. She is living in a hotel.

B. She is living in a shelter.

C. She is living in her friend’s home.

16. What can we learn from the dialogue?

A. The man and Mackay will call on the woman at 3 pm.

B. The man and Mackay will call on the woman at 4 pm.

C. The man and the boss will visit the woman at 3 pm.


17. What can we learn from the monologue?

A. It’s a weather report  B. It’s a poster.    C. It’s an advertisement

18. Which city will have the lowest temperature?

A. Miami       B. Houston.     C. New York.

19. What will the weather be like in Oklahoma City?

A. Windy.       B. Cloudy     C. Rainy

20. What will the temperature be in Houston?

A. 72° F       B. 70 °F     C. 68 °F



1.    What time will the football match start?

A. At 7:15      B. At 7:35      C. At 7:45

2.  How does the man feel now?                           

  A. He is angry    B. He is disappointed  C. He is lost

3.  What music does the man like most?

  A. Jazz       B. Country music   C. Classical music

4.  What does the woman mean?

  A. The grandpa has already known their plan.

  B. It is impossible for her grandpa to hear their plan.

  C. The grandpa is not interested in their plan.

5.  What do you think of Bob?

  A. He is smart.    B. He is honest.    C. He is active.

