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29. Many traffic accidents happened at his   turn of the road.

 A. sharp  B. urgent  C. immediate  D. quick


28. Children need a lot of things in the course of their growth.   , they need love.

 A. Last of all  B. Above all  C. After all  D. At all


27. In order to travel around the world,he tried to   some of his salary.

A. leave out  B. set aside  C. build up  D. figure out


26. I am going to America.Do you have anything   to your daughter?

 A. to take  B. taken  C. taking  D. to be taken


25. –Would you please do me the    to phone my sister about the accident?

–With pleasure.

A. patience  B. favour  C. reaction  D. bond


24. He has been working too hard.   , he needs to have a rest.

A. In a way  B. In addition  C. In other words  D. In his turn


23. –How is your son getting along with his work in England?

– Well. He’s   himself very easily to the new environment.

A. got  B. belonged  C. adapted  D. turned


22. –He is said   from his position.

–Yes. Now he is travelling abroad.

A. to resign  B.  resigns  C. to have resigned  D. resigning


第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

21. Jane got   that her boyfriend had not answered her letter.

A. cheered   B. interrrupted  C. interfered  D. annoyed


第二节  书面表达(满分25分)


In your spoken English class, your teacher shows you the following picture. You are asked to describe the picture and explain how you understand it.


1~5  CCCBB   6~10  CBBAC  11~15 BACAA   16~20 CBCBA

21~25 DAACB  26~30 CDACD  31~35 BCBAB

36~40 ADBDA  41~45 CBADC  46~50 BADCB   51~55 DBACB

56~60 BBCAD  61~65 ADCAD   66~70 BCCCC   71~75 DABCD

76. Families benefit from eating together./ Having dinner together is beneficial to families.

77. build/ develop stronger and healthier relationships

78. No family dinner can benefit. / Family dinner may not benefit

79. Their children’s school performance, daily activities and attitudes toward life.

80. family dinner



As can be seen in the picture, many children are standing merrily hand in hand in a heart-shaped circle.

The simple picture conveys a deep message that the world will be full of love when everyone passes their love to others. Love is important for us. Just as the picture above, only when love is delivered from person to person, can we sense each other’s trust, emotion, warmth, friendship, etc., which are vital for everyone’s happiness.

In a word, if everyone of us can devote a bit of love to others, our lives will be more beautiful.

